Saturday, February 6, 2010

No man is an island!

I heard someone say the other day that they don't like church and they don't like church people, but they do love God. Well, I tried to explain that this can't be true! First of all, it is obvious that there are some issues involved with this statement. One, there could be hurts. Second, is that they are unwilling to obey God and only want Him on their terms. Thirdly, maybe they don't understand that the church is God's bride and imperfect as she may be, He loves her, died for her, and rejection of her alienates one from Him. The church is God's family and His means of changing us into the image of His Son, (which is His 0bjective and desire for us>Rom. 8:29; Rom.12). There are tons of scriptures and indepth teachings on this subject but I want to share this one passage with you today:Hebrews 10:23-25 (Amp)>"Let us seize and hold fast and retain without wavering the hope we cherish...let us give continuous care to watching over one another, studying how we may stir one another up to love and helpful deeds, not forsaking to assemble together as is the habit of some, but admonish one another, all the more faithfully as you see the day approaching." The jewels in these verses are as follows: is vital 2. church members are to love and help one another 3. We are to encourage, admonish, and exhort each other to love and serve God faithfully 4. faithful to be there (unlike some). You need church! Church needs you! I don't want to offend the Lord by despising His bride. Church is His family. Like families in this world, to be a successful blessed family, there needs to be alot of love, forgiveness and hope! Find the church He wants you in and obey Him! (Don't feel obligated to go to a certain church without His guidance and a Biblical format). And when you go to church gatherings, don't just attend, but love and serve. You need to get involved and develop realtionships. You will then be seizing, holding fast, cherishing, and retaining without wavering your hope! Your church family will be better for it! And you will too! And most of all, God will be pleased!

Tuesday, February 2, 2010

The Lord is our King! He will save us!

I have been meditating on Isaiah 33 lately. Keys vital for victory and blessing are all through this chapter. Despite oppression of authority (be it government, employer, a family member, etc.) there is a place of refuge, vision, provision, joy, beauty, and power for the one who looks to God as Judge, Lawgiver, and King. In days like these, living with terror, financial instability, and many threats,we can live an exceptional life. (Vs 16-17)> there is a high place above it all (deliverance), a place of defense (protection), bread given and water given for sure (provision) , eyes to see the King in His beauty (intimacy with God), eyes to behold a vast land (vision and hope), and you will ask "where is he who terrorizes?"(power over the enemy). He is a great King! We are children of this great King! What a privilege. Think about that for a minute. (Ps 145:9-13)> "The Lord is good to all...Your loving ones shall bless You...they shall speak of the glory of Your kingdom and talk of Your power, to make known to the sons of men God's mighty deeds and the glorious majesty of His kingdom. Your kingdom is an everlasting kingdom, and Your dominion endures throughout all generations." Our lives can be a visible testimony of His invisible kingdom. (Ps 145:1-2)> "I will extol You, my God,O King; and I will bless Your name forever and ever. Everyday will I bless You; yes I will praise Your name forever and ever." The Lord is our King. He will save us!! (Is 33:22)