Wednesday, December 5, 2012

WILL YOU Have a Merry Christmas?

I went to see the movie, "TAKEN 2" last night.  I thought that is was great, but I especially liked "TAKEN"-Part 1. The whole thing started out with a loving dad, who is an exceptionally strong, spy kind of guy, rescuing his teen daughter from the sex slavery industry in Europe. Of course, the dad is always the hero! I love the dad's intense hatred of evil. The selflessness and determination he exhibits going after the bad guys is exhilarating! The purity of the love he has for his family is refreshing. The part I abhorred was the cold, wicked, and calculated evil that was exhibited by the sex slave operators.  It truly is disheartening to realize just how dark mankind can be. This world is in bad shape. We can look around us and see the atrocities on every hand.  Or, we can look around and see God. We can look for and see FAITH, HOPE, AND LOVE.  We must be determined to have a MERRY CHRISTMAS! Some of you reading this may ask, "HOW? Are you kidding me?"  Having A MERRY CHRISTMAS can be deterred by entertaining DISAPPOINTMENT, FEAR, ANGER, FRUSTRATION, BITTERNESS, DREAD, ANXIETY, and other such things. But, FOCUSING on the Lord will cause the bad "things of earth to grow strangely dim in the light of His glory and grace" (This is a line from one of my favorite hymns: "Turn Your Eyes Upon Jesus"). One of my favorite Christmas carols is "God Rest Ye Merry Gentlemen".  The message in this song is simply amazing to me.  It's speaks of RESTING in God's PEACE and being MERRY or JOYFUL!  The writer exhorts, "LET NOTHING YOU DISMAY..." (alarm you or cause you to lose courage).  WHY?  "FOR JESUS CHRIST OUR SAVIOR WAS BORN ON CHRISTMAS DAY, TO SAVE US ALL FROM SATAN'S POWER WHEN WE WERE GONE ASTRAY..."  Satan is the father of evil in this world. He works through many people.  BUT, GOD'S HOLY SPIRIT is also in this world.  He brings "TIDINGS OF COMFORT AND JOY" through people.  We can choose to allow the devil to wreak havoc through us, OR we can choose to allow the PRINCE OF PEACE, the MIGHTY GOD, AND THE EVERLASTING FATHER to have His way in our heart and life.  I love the songs of the season.  I especially love "Handel's Messiah".    I went to UF last weekend to the "Songs of the Season" concert.  It was fantastic!  I'm brought to tears remembering the last song that they performed of the evening. It was the "Hallelujah Chorus" by Handel.  Immediately when this majestic song started, the audience rose to it's feet in reverence and awe. This was not in a church setting, nor was this a predominately "Christian" audience to my knowledge. But, you would've thought it to be at this point. When the song ended, the audience erupted into thunderous claps and exhilaration!  JESUS truly is the REASON FOR THE SEASON!  I so enjoy the fun that goes with Christmas, but I continue to be in awe every year at this time when I think about the love our Father God, exhibited in sending His only Son into this world to SAVE us all from Satan's power. Lastly, I want to encourage you with this: "HAVE YOURSELF A MERRY LITTLE CHRISTMAS NOW"!

Thursday, August 2, 2012


Whew!  I'm glad that the Chick-fil-A day is over.  Although I was completely on board with it and waited in a line for food 1 1/2 hrs., there was definitely a huge conflict that I encountered on Facebook. Who would've thought that friends and family members would basically hate you for siding with Biblical and American traditional Judeo/Christian values.  I tell you we are in a CULTURAL WAR!  I'm not advocating meanness or aggression, because I believe that we Christians should love and respect all people regardless!  BUT, when it comes down to being attacked, intimidated, and belittled for my beliefs, I WILL NOT BOW DOWN! Some of the reactions (attacks) I got were saturated with tones of hatred, inferences of stupidity, and accusations of not having Christian love for LGTB (lesbian, gays, transgenders, and bi-sexuals). This couldn't be farther from the truth!  God knows that I have some precious friends that fit into most of these "gay" categories. No, they don't profess to believe in Christ, but they respect and love me, as I also respect and love them.  They know where I stand and I know where they stand as well.  I think that this is the way we should relate to these groups.  BUT, when it comes down to their demanding that I, must condone and accept as TRUTH, their philosophy of life, I WILL NOT BOW DOWN!  I WILL NOT BE INTIMIDATED!  I've decided that even as Esther, Daniel, Meshach, Shadrach, Abednego, and so many others in the Bible, did not BOW DOWN and compromise with  the idolatry in the society of their day, I WILL NOT EITHER!  I want to challenge my Christian brothers and sisters to WAKE UP and understand the times that we are living in.  The days of just having loads of fun at our Christian prayer (gossip) meetings, ("meat market") concerts, (gluttonous) dinners, and (social climbing, prideful) Bible studies, (while so many go home to view porn) are OVER!  I really don't believe that the sleeping giant (the church of America) has smelled the coffee yet. There are still too many professing Christians in this country walking the fence by compromising their beliefs, and loving pleasures more than God.  I really believe that this is why our country is in the shape it is in today.  We have strayed so far away from the faith of our founding fathers with drug addiction, violence, immorality (pornography, adultery, fornication, etc.), alcoholism, speaking lies as sport, and so many other sins running rampant in the good ole God blessed (?)  USA. A Christian minister posted on FB that we shouldn't judge one sin over another. I agree with this.  Sin is sin and God is judge. BUT,  I'm calling for all Christians to stand up for GOD, IN THE NAME OF GOD,  LIVE THE LIFE!  Clean up your act!  And LET YOUR LIGHT SHINE!  JESUS said for Christians to BE A LIGHT IN THE DARKNESS, DON'T HIDE IT UNDER A BASKET!  He also said that we are to be like A LIGHT THAT IS UPON A HILL FOR ALL TO SEE, and to BE LIKE SALT THAT IS SALTY (noticed) or else we are NO GOOD, BUT JUST TO BE TRAMPLED UNDER THE FOOT OF MEN!  I want to submit to you that if we are cowering behind the four walls of our churches, or the comforts of our cozy homes, and we are not letting those around us in our society know that we love them, but also Who and what we stand for, we are self-centered and selfish, ashamed of the GOSPEL!  AND...I BELIEVE THAT WE WILL BE HELD ACCOUNTABLE FOR THE DOWN-FALL OF THE NOT SO GOD BLESSED USA! I read recently an article in CHARISMA"magazine that the 93 yr. old Dr. Billy Graham wrote a letter entitled, "My Heart Aches for America".  In the letter, he's calling "America and it's deceived people" to repentance>(turn from our wicked ways, to God's ways).  This letter was "one in a series of escalating warnings that the nation is in growing danger of God's judgement".  He also spoke of his late wife, Ruth's concern regarding the nation's "terrible downward spiral".  "He wondered what Ruth would think of the country today where SELF-CENTERED INDULGENCE, PRIDE, AND THE LACK OF SHAME OVER SIN are now emblems of the American lifestyle."  Mr. Graham stressed the fact that THERE IS HOPE!!  God is merciful and WILL FORGIVE US IF we REPENT of our sins and turn back to Him.  Many other respected ministers have expressed their concerns and warnings as well.  There you have it!  We all need to get on our face before God and sign up to "fight" for the battle that we are in today!  Please consider this CALL and do what your  COMMANDER requests.  After all, this is Christianity 101!

Friday, July 6, 2012


After my Bible study this morning, I went to the feed store to get some little ducklings.  I brought them home and put them into their new pen. I gave them some food and a pan of water to play in. It made me so happy to watch them enjoying their food and mini-pool.  I could've sat there watching them all day! All of a sudden, the Lord reminded me of my Bible study I had just finished. He had spoken to my heart that He so wants to bless His children.  Ps. 35:27 says, "God takes pleasure in the prosperity of His servant". The Hebrew translation for prosperity is SHALOM. It means safety, favor, welfare (God's, not govt. welfare), health, and financial prosperity.  It's important to know that if we are His loving and obedient children, then we can and should expect Him to take care of us.  In fact, He wants to shower us with abundant blessings. As a matter of fact, Jesus said that He came to give us life and life more abundantly (John 10:10)  Haggai 2:4-9 reveals some conditions for receiving the blessings of God. In this passage, God commands us to BE STRONG, ALERT, and COURAGEOUS. He says here that we must WORK (and be in expectation) BECAUSE HE IS WITH US!  He says that this is because of HIS COVENANT He made with us when we came out of Egypt (signifying our conversion), and because His Holy Spirit stands and abides with us. He goes on to mention here that the starry heavens, the earth, the dry land, and all nations will shake. Does this shaking nullify His covenant blessings?  On the contrary!  God warns us in this same passage to NOT FEAR!  He goes on to say some pretty amazing and encouraging things!   He tells us that the desirable and precious things of ALL NATIONS SHALL COME IN to us.  He says here that HE WILL FILL THIS HOUSE (His loving and trusting children's lives) with splendor and glory!  Wow! Now that's some good news! His Covenant makes a way for us to receive what He desires to give us. And if that's not enough, He goes on to declare that, "...THE SILVER AND GOLD ARE MINE, says the Lord of hosts...the latter GLORY SHALL BE GREATER THAN THE FORMER...AND IN THIS PLACE I WILL GIVE PEACE (HEBREW: SHALOM-safety; favor; welfare (God's, not govt.);  health; prosperity). I want to submit to you that if we entertain fear, we might just miss out on what God is offering us. He has promised and He will be faithful. Now we must believe and take possession of our inheritance.   There are so many scriptures that confirm the fact He wants us blessed.  In Genesis 12 we see God blessing Abram (Abraham).  Later on we see God telling him that he was blessed to be a blessing and would bless the nations of the earth through him because he obeyed God's voice. We see in Galatians that Christians can also have the Abrahamic blessing in our lives (Galatians 3:14; Heb. 6,12, etc).  Just from these passages, it is obvious to me that we can live in God's blessing regardless of the circumstances that surround us in this world. The most important thing to remember is why we're blessed.  #1.) Because our loving heavenly Father wants us to be.  #2.) He wants us to be a blessing to others.  In  Matthew, Jesus exhorts us to seek His kingdom first and to make sure our heart is for His kingdom's purpose, because our treasure ($) will be where our heart is. I've decided to be strong, alert, and courageous as I seek first His kingdom, expecting His blessings to be abundant in my life, and being sure to somehow bless others!  As a result, God will be thanked, praised, and glorified!!  How about you?

Sunday, June 24, 2012

He's Got the Whole World in His Hands

Remember this old song, "He's Got the Whole World in His Hands"?  I remember singing this over and over in Sunday school as a child, not having an inkling of what this truly means.  Oh the depths and the riches of the fact that God is in control! Bill and I are on vacation and God's peace and presence have been so special for me. It has been like heaven on earth (on the Gulf for a few days and at the Atlantic beach since! PTL!)  As I opened my Bible this morning, God began to show me something amazing! I'll give you a little back ground first.  When I became a born-again Christian at age 22, I decided to live the rest of my life for God. At that point I made the decision to give everything I am or ever will be, all that I had or ever will have, to Jesus and His purpose for my life.  I decided that I would work for Him to the best of my ability. I do believe that although I'm not perfect, my heart has been steadfastly centered on that goal from that time and continues to be. Ironically, over the past 30 plus years, I've often felt like a hamster on a wheel going nowhere.  I've often felt overwhelmed by all the needs in the world, and despite my well meaning efforts, it doesn't appear to me that I've accomplished much for Him.  Yes, His presence and blessing have been there for me.  Yes, I've seen how I've help some individuals in some way come close to Him and experience His love. But has it been enough?  It seems that when most people hit mid-life, we many times want to evaluate our life's accomplishments.  We want to see if we need to make any changes to make our life count for something. Maybe it's because we realize more than ever how precious time is. Maybe we more than ever realize how amazing strength and physical ability is. In John 6:29, Jesus speaks about "the work of God".   Somehow when I read this passage this morning, I saw everything in a new and brighter light.  I saw how important it is to do the work of God more than ever before, but with a different perspective. The right perspective to have is to rest in the fact that He is a great God and He is sovereign. HE HAS THE WHOLE WORLD IN HIS HANDS AND HE IS IN CONTROL! WE ALL HAVE A PART TO PLAY IN HIS PLAN.  BUT, WE NEED TO WORK HIS WORKS, NOT OUR OWN WELL INTENTIONED WORKS! In John 6, we see a crowd of people following Jesus around because they had seen the miracle of the multiplied bread. In vs 26, He rebukes them for only being interested in Him because of His provision.  He exhorts them to "labor not for the food which perishes, but for the food that endures unto ever lasting life...".  They then asked, "What should we do that we might work the works of God?"  Jesus responded, "This is the work of God, that you believe on Him whom He (God) has sent."  That's easy!  (or is it?) In other words, when we look at the Greek translation we find that it means to be loyal to, adhere to, and  trust in Jesus, the Messiah, the Son of God. Notice that it's not just a mental belief. He doesn't give us a "to do list".  He wants our heart, the core of our being! He wants us close to Him, loving Him and cooperating with Him.  He says in another passage that "eternal life is to know Him". When we're walking and talking with Him, we naturally work His work. That's how we experience the depth of His rest and peace which He promises.  He works it all out.  We don't have to. His work is different for all of us. I have a friend, Lee Grady, who continuously travels all over the world and ministers to people. He seems to want to do this and enjoys it.  He is blessed in his work.  I have another friend, Judy Foster, who has given her life to the people of Haiti as a missionary.  I see both of their amazing works and could easily ask myself, "What in the world am I doing for God?" Anything that you and I do for God is between us and God. Only He knows what He created us for with our particular gifts, callings, and abilities. Only He knows how we fit into His plan for this world.  I see now more clearly than ever that we need to truly trust Him, love Him, and enjoy our life with Him. We must find confidence in the fact that our life is all that He wants it to be by hearing His voice each day telling us how much He loves us and that He's got us in the palm of His hand. I know that God is good and loves His children.  His grace is sufficient to do what we must, but He will never call us to work under a burdensome obligation.  I submit to you that He will always supply the ability, the heart, and the joy to do His work, even as far as laying our life down for Him, if it be that. I know God wants us free and happy in Him.  If we're struggling and oppressed, we need to reevaluate our works.  God has called us to peace.  Enjoy Him today and everyday!!  (2 Thessalonians 3:16), "Now the Lord of peace Himself give you peace, always, by all means.  The Lord be with you all."

Wednesday, June 6, 2012

Wednesday, April 25, 2012

A Beautiful Illusion

Our greatest dreams and desires can be forthcoming blessings or they can be trouble going somewhere to happen! I want to explain what I mean by this in sharing with you what was recently revealed to me while on a cruise with my daughter in the Caribbean.  First of all, anyone who knows me very well, knows that going somewhere in the Caribbean is always a thrill for me.  I love swimming in the beautifully colored water!  As I stood on my balcony one evening, our ship swiftly cruising to our first destination, I noticed the beautiful water churning below.  It was a combination of deep sapphire blue and a luminous turquoise.  My first thought was how delightful the water looked!  I would've jumped into those luscious waters had I not rationalized the horrible consequences of that choice!  I chose to stay on board, understanding and accepting the fact that jumping into the water at this time, in this place, and in this way would prove to be dangerous and most likely fatal! (Good thing I did! Ha! I ended up having a dream vacation!  Thanks Lord!!)  Was swimming in these waters my heart's desire?  Yes. Was swimming in the beautiful Caribbean part of the plan? Yes. Then what's wrong with this picture?  I submit to you that it was the wrong time, wrong place, and wrong way to go about it!  I believe that as we adhere to these following three keys, God's good plans and dreams for us will be activated and trouble will be evaded. In order for everything to go as God has planned, we must consider and infuse these very important keys continually into our life:  #1-WE MUST PATIENTLY WAIT ON GOD'S TIME>RIGHT TIMING (Phil. 4:6 " anxious for nothing..");  #2-WE NEED TO POSITION OURSELF IN THE PLAN OF GOD BY OBEDIENTLY STAYING WHERE HE WANTS US TO STAY AND BY FOLLOWING HIM TO WHERE HE WANTS US TO GO (Jn 10:1-14) THE RIGHT PLACE;  #3-WE NEED TO MAKE SURE THAT WE ARE LIVING WITHIN THE PERIMETERS OF A GODLY LIFESTYLE (Ps. 25:20-21) THE RIGHT WAY.  The children of Israel saw God's miraculous favor and blessing as they obediently exited Egypt (symbol of misery and lack) to go into the PROMISED LAND (symbol of abundance and blessing) that He had for them.  Did they all make it to the Promised Land?  No!  In the Exodus account, we find that many suffered and even died horrible deaths due to their disobedience and discontent. I have seen so many people come short of realizing their blessed destiny because of poor choices they've made. The Bible makes it very clear that our choices dictate our destiny>Deuteronomy 28-30. I believe God's grace and mercy carry us in our ignorance and imperfect faith, but intentional resistance and self-will gets us into trouble. Granted, this world is not perfect and there are many obstacles that we must overcome, but with total trust in and whole hearted  dependence on God, we can experience His good plan for our life!  There are countless beautiful illusions in this world that entice many wonderful and godly people down the hellish path of misery and disappointment.  To name a few illusions: vanity, greed, lust, self-sufficiency, bitterness, and pride.  They appear to be amazing and some are so convincing, but they all  leave their victims in a state of disillusionment and confusion.  I believe that this is why so many people question God's goodness. When we read in the Bible that God's plan is good and that He loves us,  but then we see so many people living a sad and bad life, we might be tempted to question the validity of this belief.  Humbling ourself and trusting God (James 4:10) is the only way to find out just how much He does love us! We must seek Him and stay with Him through the difficult times.  If we do, we will see the goodness of our God! Be encouraged with this verse>(Amp) Psalms 27:11-14 "Teach me Your way, O Lord and lead me in a plain path...what would have become of me had I not believed that I would see the Lord's goodness in the land of the living...WAIT AND HOPE FOR AND EXPECT THE LORD, BE BRAVE AND LET YOUR HEART BE STOUT AND ENDURING.  YES, WAIT FOR, HOPE FOR AND EXPECT THE LORD."  I want to end with this declaration:  Ephesians 3:20-21 (Amp. version)  "Now to Him Who, by the power that is at work within us, is able to do superabundantly, far over and above all that we ask or think (infinitely beyond our highest prayers, desires, thoughts, hope, or dreams)-TO HIM BE GLORY IN THE CHURCH AND IN CHRIST JESUS THROUGHOUT ALL GENERATIONS FOR EVER. AMEN."

Monday, April 16, 2012

Who do you want to look like?

After a somewhat grueling effort, I am back to writing my blogs. My blog account got hacked somehow and I'm bursting at the seams! I'm so excited to share with you some of the encouraging and amazing things the Lord has been speaking to me recently. Some girlfriends and I have decided to do a study on the book of James. So, I turned to James this morning to get the gist of the book again. I love this book!! The main thing that stood out to me in chapter 1 was the fact that if we Christians don't watch it, we can delude our heart into thinking that our relationship with God is just "hunky-dory" (just fine), when in actuality it isn't. James 1:22-26 says that we need to carefully look into the faultless law of liberty (the Bible), be faithful to it, persevere looking into it, and be an active doer of it. Otherwise we are like someone who looks into a mirror, walks away from it, and then forgets what he was like. When I'm going somewhere in my car, I catch myself checking my make-up and hair over and over before I arrive at my destination. (I sometimes need to tweak it!) When I arrive, I feel confident that I am presentable. This is how we should care for ourselves spiritually. We should examine our heart and life continually by comparing our thoughts and behaviors with what God's word says is acceptable and tweak as needed. THEN, we will see God's blessings in our life of obedience (vs 25 Amplified version). Every morning I lift up my day to the Lord. I ask Him to lead me in His path. Most mornings I spend some time reading the Bible and I pray about how the passage I read applies to me. I also try to spend the day thinking about it. I then consider and include Him in everything I do. I can truly say that this is why I'm so blessed! I know that as I emulate Him through His word and personal direction, I can enjoy my life. Who do I look like? I want to look like Jesus! I want to look like my Father in heaven! I want to be presentable to Him and I want Him to recognize me as His child when I come before Him in heaven someday. How about you? Who do you want to look like?

Monday, February 27, 2012


I just came back from Lee Grady's Bold Venture women's conference and I want to share with you the fact that my life has been transformed! I don't say this lightly. This conference was probably the most effective and productive conference that I have ever been to. The reason I believe this is because I saw with my own eyes a transformation, not only in myself, but in every one of those women. I saw a purity of transparency. I saw a hunger for God like never before. I saw godly humility. And most of all, we experienced the presence of God in such a magnificent way that I will never be the same again! I will never again be satisfied with the status quo. It truly was heavenly! I hope that I will be able to impart to you, in some way, this power of God that makes a person become radically and totally committed to His purposes for their life, less likely ever again to be discouraged, disheartened, or doubtful of God's amazing love and power! It's so easy to get caught up in the mundane things of life and forget what Christianity is all about. It's about having a relationship with God. It's about KNOWING GOD and getting close to Him. It's about developing the intimacy He so desires to have with His children. One of the speakers at the conference talked about having intimacy with Christ. She mentioned an old hymn that gives us a picture of what it can be like to be close to the Lord. It's called, "In The Garden" and it was written by a man named C. Austin Miles. He had a photographic dark room and would go in there to spend time with the Lord in prayer. One day, he had a vision of Mary Magdalene going to the garden with Jesus after leaving His tomb. Mr. Miles said that he was deeply and physically shaken. He immediately began writing down the lyrics as quickly as he could. The song goes like this: "I come to the garden alone; and the dew is still on the roses. And the voice I hear, falling on my ear, the Son of God discloses. And He walks with me, and He talks with me, and He tells me I am His own. And the joy we share, as we tarry there, none other has ever known..." (google "hymn history" for more info.) Our walk with Jesus is acknowledging His presence in the everyday things that we do. It's in the place of desperation for intimacy with Him, that we find Him. It's when we spend time seeking the face of the Almighty, searching out His Word for truth, and clinging to Him for life, that we come into the fulness of His power to overcome in this world. We will then experience His presence and proceed in grace to fulfill His great plan for our life. The conference speaker emphasized the need for not only walking in an awareness of His presence all day long, but having a designated place to seek Him daily. We must wait faithfully on Him in expectation. I pray that this blog will help stir you up to press on and press deeper into intimacy with our creator, Father, and lover of our soul. I want to leave you with the lyrics of another old hymn that touches my heart and I pray will touch yours too! "Turn your eyes upon Jesus. Look full in His wonderful face. And the things of earth will grow strangely dim, in the light of His glory and grace." Oh for more of the light of His glory and grace in my life! Have fun on your BOLD VENTURE! It will be the journey of a lifetime! I love you all and He does too!

Monday, February 6, 2012


"The Best Day of My Life" is the title for a little poem I found on a piece of paper on my desk this morning. I don't remember where it came from. I love it and this is the state of my heart today! "Today, when I awoke, I suddenly realized that this is the best day of my life, ever! There were times when I wondered if I would make it to today; but I did! And because I did I'm going to celebrate what an unbelievable life I've had so far: the accomplishments, the many blessings, and, yes, even the hardships because they have served to make me stronger. I will go throughout this day with my head held high, and a happy heart. I will marvel at God's seemingly simple gifts: the morning dew, the sun, the clouds, the trees, the flowers, the birds. Today, none of these miraculous creations will escape my notice. Today, I will share my excitement for life with other people. I'll make someone smile, I'll go out of my way to perform an unexpected act of kindness for someone I don't even know. Today, I'll give a sincere compliment to someone who seems down. I'll tell a child how special he is, and I'll tell someone I love just how deeply I care for them and how much they mean to me. Today is the day I quit worrying about what I don't have and start being grateful for all the wonderful things God has already given me. I'll remember that to worry is jut a waste of time because my faith in God and His divine plan ensures everything will be just fine. Tonight, before I got to bed , I'll go outside and raise my eyes to the heavens. I will stand in awe at the beauty of the stars and the moon , and I will praise God for the these magnificent treasures. As the day ends and I lay my head down on my pillow, I will thank the Almighty for the best day of my life. And I will sleep the sleep of a contented child, excited with expectation because I know tomorrow is going to be....the best day of my life!" Author unknown

Tuesday, January 24, 2012


On the Christian journey you can bet that there are going to be times of testings and trials. These are to prove you, to see whether or not you're genuine (1 Pet.1:7; 4:12). If you've done every thing you know how to, to be faithful, and yet you feel that it has been somewhat inconsequential, what then? One common temptation is to get discouraged. Another might be to question your convictions or even question God. The end result of unrestrained negative thoughts when in this "proving process" will always cause one to GIVE UP!!! Give up what? Give up the challenge that Jesus has given to follow Him at all costs. To follow Christ is to forget the path we want to take in life and take the path that He wants us to take (Matt 10:38; 16:34). He didn't say it would be easy. He likened it to our DEATH. We must know God's word and His specific will for our lives. We then commit ourselves to obey Him at some point in time and then retain that commitment forever. It's a daily decision (. This is what I call CHRISTIANITY 101.) When facing difficult circumstances, we all get attacked emotionally. It's what we do with those thoughts that matter. (Joyce Meyer's book called "The Battlefield of the Mind" is a good read to help you understand this). It is a great teaching on the fact that our thoughts are what make or break us. Agreement with and action on the thoughts that take us from the center of God's will, take us from Him. When we face what SEEMS to be overwhelming circumstances, do we question our previous stance? Do we instead STAND on the promises of God and stay on His path? Hebrews 13:5-6 says that God will never leave us without support. It says that we should be encouraged knowing this and boldly say, "The Lord is my Helper!" There is ALWAYS a breakthrough for the person that cries out to God from their heart for Him to help, waiting expectantly for Him. We may need to humble ourselves at that point and ask God to forgive us of our doubts, fears, anger, etc. Always remember Psalms 103:8, "The Lord is merciful and gracious, slow to anger and plenteous in mercy and loving kindness." Since this is the case, I am counting on His love and shed blood for forgiveness and renewal (Rev. 1:5). When we cry out for His help, He will hear and deliver us from all of our distress and troubles; He is close to those who are of a broken heart and saves those who are crushed with sorrow for sin and thoroughly repentant; many evils confront the righteous, BUT the Lord delivers him out of them all (Ps. 34:17-19).

Saturday, January 14, 2012

POSSIBLE SOLUTIONS (the "today principle")

As I sat down this morning to read my Bible and pray, I looked up at the flip chart that was sitting in my office and read these words that were written on it, "POSSIBLE SOLUTIONS". I was praying about what to write in my blog when I noticed this and I felt that this would be my title for today. I asked the Lord what He was trying to convey to me, then the word "HOPE" came to my mind. As I thought about HOPE, I began to tear up thinking about some of the things that are "on my plate" right now. As I prayed, peace came flooding into my soul. I realized that I need to trust the Lord to continue leading me forward and just take it one day at a time. I have recently become a meeting facilitator and one of my objectives is to encourage my clients that we can find answers for the issues they face by considering the options and having HOPE. I decided to use some of that methodology for myself. After considering the "POSSIBLE SOLUTIONS", I then proceeded to evaluate the issues and prioritize them. (It helps to realize what is important to deal with today.) Taking on the weight of the future is more than we are able to bear. I know people who are on the edge of their sanity, basically killing themselves trying to cram a million and one things into their day to "accomplish" something. This is easy to do when we think that it is all up to us! Jesus spoke about this in Matthew 6:34, ", don't worry or be anxious about tomorrow, for tomorrow will have worries and anxieties of its own. Sufficient for each day is its own trouble". I'm going to call this thought the "today principle". We should plan and have hope for a bright tomorrow, but the balance is putting into our day what is doable and still retain God's peace. It is God's perfect will that we have His peace, not the peace that the world gives (John 14:27). God cares and wants to help us work everything out. We just have to humble ourselves and depend on Him (1 Peter 5:7). My husband makes this statement quiet often, "Everything always works out for me". This declaration is based on Romans 8:28 with the premise that this one loves God and is in alignment with His plan for their life. My new year challenge to you and to myself, is to find our peace and rest in Christ through faith and hope in Him everyday! (Please read Hebrews chapters 3 & 4 AMP). This is pleasing to God and it is what God wants from us (Read this AWESOME passage: Romans 5:3-5). Following His will for our life in this world ensures our hope for an eternity in heaven with Him. I'm going to leave you with these great verses taken from 2 Peter 3, "So beloved, since you are expecting these things >(looking for new heavens and a new earth according to His promise in which righteousness is to abide), be eager to be found by Him without spot or blemish (sins) and at peace (in serene confidence, free from fears and agitating passions and moral conflicts)...let me warn on your guard, lest you fall from your present firm condition (your own steadfastness of mind). But grow in grace and recognition and knowledge and understanding of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ. To Him be glory, both now and to the day of eternity. AMEN!"