Monday, August 16, 2010

We must follow Daniel's protocol!

In my last post I wrote about my dream and the Lord's interpretation of it. Dreams are sometimes from eating strange food before bed or from thoughts we've had recently. But they can also be messages from God and there are many examples of this in the Bible. This post is about the interpretation of a dream King Nebuchadnezzar desparately wanted to know>Daniel 2:1-49. "A rare and weighty thing indeed the king requires!" was the response of the king's enchanters and magicians when they were asked for the interpretation of it. The King had even forgotten the dream, but it troubled him so that he demanded they tell him what the dream was or they would be executed! Their response was, " one but the gods can reveal this to the king and their dwelling is not with flesh." This angered the king and he called for the execution of all his "wise"men. Daniel and his companions were in that group. Daniel asked the executioner why the decree was so urgent. He explained the matter to Daniel and the Lord gave Daniel wisdom and knowledge in regards to their dilemma. Not only did God reveal to Daniel the dream, He gave him the interpretation. In verses 17-23 we see Daniel seeking God for help, praising God for wisdom, for knowledge, and for revealing the deep and secret things. As a result, Daniel and his godly friends were delivered from execution, made wealthy, and became governors of the land. God was given glory and honor by the King and throughout the whole kingdom. This is God's way. Instead of being self-absorbed and defeated in a quandry, we need to believe that God has an amazing plan for our good! In Jeremiah 29:11-14 God's heart for His loved ones is revealed. He says that He has thoughts and plans for us that include hope and goodwill. He says in this passage that as we search for Him with all of our heart as a vital necessity, we THEN will find Him and He will deliver us! In these days of financial uncertainty and with ungodliness all around, we must follow Daniel's protocol. We will THEN see God as our KING, DELIVERER, PROVIDER, and LOVING HEAVENLY FATHER!