The following are the conditions with the promise:
#1.) vs 1,3,7-I must not fret (be angry or frustrated) because of the wicked (those who work unrighteousness)>
*Jesus will then be my good Shepherd and will provide well for my every need.
#2.) (vs 3,4,5) I must rely on the Lord (trust and hope in Him)>
*God will grant me the desires and dreams of my heart.
#3.) (vs 3,6) I must know God's will (the Bible with His specific and personal guidance) and do things His way>
*I'll shine like a light and my justice will shine like the noon day.
#4.) (vs 11) I must be easy going and flexible (meek) with the Lord (delight MYSELF in Him)>
*I'll have an abundance of peace and will inherit the earth.
#5.) (vs 4,5) I must trust God by rolling and reposing each care of my load on Him>
*He will answer my prayers.
#6.) (vs 7,34) I must be still and rest in the Lord, waiting PATIENTLY for Him to do it>
*I'll not be shamed.
#7.) (vs 7) I must not fret because evil doers prospering>
*I'll be satisfied or taken care of by God, in the days of famine.
#8.) (vs 18) I must be upright and blameless (honest and respectable)>
*My inheritance will abide forever.
#9.) (vs 21,24) If I borrow, I must pay it back>
*If I fall, God will always grab my hand and pick me up.
#10) (vs 21,25,28) I must be kind and generous>
*Me nor my children will be forsaken by God or ever have to beg for food.
#11.) (vs 26,29,34) I must be merciful and graciously lend>
*I'll inherit my "promised land" and will be able to live in it and enjoy it.
#12.) (vs 31) I must allow the word of God to be in my heart and my way of life>
*I will not back slide into evil.
#13.) (vs 13,27,33,39,40) I must run from any evil>
*I won't fall into traps set by the wicked.
#14.) (vs 30,31) I must speak words of wisdom and justice>
*I'll be secure and my steps will be sure.
#15.) (vs 39) I must be blameless and upright or consistently righteous>
*I'll have a happy ending.
I will always meditate on these things that I MUST DO in order to be right with God. All of the benefits that come with obedience to Him will just be the icing on the cake. Hope to see you in our promised land for this life and for the life to come!