Thursday, January 6, 2011


Starting into the new year, I found myself watching the Oprah channel. No, I don't worship her or anything like that, but she had a great show featuring Dr. Phil, Dr. Oz, and Suze Orman. I really like all three of these people. I'm not sure of their stance regarding the Lord, but they have alot of wisdom that I think many Christians (me included!) can learn from in the areas of finance, relationships, and health. Jesus said in Luke 16:8 that the sons of this age are shrewder and more prudent and wiser (in relation) to their own generation than are the sons of light. He was speaking of being wise with regards to money management, but I'm finding that this is a truth that spans many areas of life including health and taking care of our bodies. 1 Cor. 6:19-20 strongly exhorts Christians to understand that our bodies are the temple in which the Holy Spirit lives. He says that our bodies are not our own, but we are owned by God and that we should then bring honor and glory to Him with our bodies. I have not been very faithful with my diet and exercise in the past few years. I confess that I have been given to my appetite and slothfulness. It was great fun for that season, but I am now reaping the results with which I regret. The results are excess weight and stress with regards to it. I can't wear any of my regular clothes! I refuse to continue buying the stretchy clothes that keep me in denial that I have been gluttonous! No, maybe I don't weigh as much as others I know. And yes, I do exercise a little. But, am I really as healthy as I could be? No! The excessive amounts of sugar have made me feel arthritic and I know that it is a downward spiral if I continue on this path. I know within my heart that I am stepping into an area of disobedience with an unbridled appetite and with excuses like, "I'm too tired to walk today". I know that these poor choices can bring negative consequences. A few years ago I was trying to encourage a friend of mine that God is our healer and that He wants to heal us. She was arguing with me about this because her mother-in-law had just died of a sickness and she was one of the most devout women of God she had ever known. She was praying for healing and obviously did not get healed. I later found out that her mother-in-law weighed over 300 POUNDS and the sickness was related to obesity! Come on now. What more can I say! Everyone of us stand before God and are accountable only to Him. Only God knows where you are in the process and what you must do to care for your temple. God's grace is sufficient for us to get the victory in every area of our life. The SIN of gluttony is one that is winked at by many Christians. Phillippians 3:19 speaks of those whose god is their stomach. They will be damned and shamed. Wow! This is sobering! The Lord has mercifully graced me to watch my caloric intake and I've started walking. I already feel the benefits. I know what I need to do to take good care of my body for His glory and service. I need to JUST DO IT! You do too! I pray for you and please pray for me. May this year be our most healthy, wealthy, and wisest year yet! All for His glory!!