Saturday, January 14, 2012
POSSIBLE SOLUTIONS (the "today principle")
As I sat down this morning to read my Bible and pray, I looked up at the flip chart that was sitting in my office and read these words that were written on it, "POSSIBLE SOLUTIONS". I was praying about what to write in my blog when I noticed this and I felt that this would be my title for today. I asked the Lord what He was trying to convey to me, then the word "HOPE" came to my mind. As I thought about HOPE, I began to tear up thinking about some of the things that are "on my plate" right now. As I prayed, peace came flooding into my soul. I realized that I need to trust the Lord to continue leading me forward and just take it one day at a time. I have recently become a meeting facilitator and one of my objectives is to encourage my clients that we can find answers for the issues they face by considering the options and having HOPE. I decided to use some of that methodology for myself. After considering the "POSSIBLE SOLUTIONS", I then proceeded to evaluate the issues and prioritize them. (It helps to realize what is important to deal with today.) Taking on the weight of the future is more than we are able to bear. I know people who are on the edge of their sanity, basically killing themselves trying to cram a million and one things into their day to "accomplish" something. This is easy to do when we think that it is all up to us! Jesus spoke about this in Matthew 6:34, ", don't worry or be anxious about tomorrow, for tomorrow will have worries and anxieties of its own. Sufficient for each day is its own trouble". I'm going to call this thought the "today principle". We should plan and have hope for a bright tomorrow, but the balance is putting into our day what is doable and still retain God's peace. It is God's perfect will that we have His peace, not the peace that the world gives (John 14:27). God cares and wants to help us work everything out. We just have to humble ourselves and depend on Him (1 Peter 5:7). My husband makes this statement quiet often, "Everything always works out for me". This declaration is based on Romans 8:28 with the premise that this one loves God and is in alignment with His plan for their life. My new year challenge to you and to myself, is to find our peace and rest in Christ through faith and hope in Him everyday! (Please read Hebrews chapters 3 & 4 AMP). This is pleasing to God and it is what God wants from us (Read this AWESOME passage: Romans 5:3-5). Following His will for our life in this world ensures our hope for an eternity in heaven with Him. I'm going to leave you with these great verses taken from 2 Peter 3, "So beloved, since you are expecting these things >(looking for new heavens and a new earth according to His promise in which righteousness is to abide), be eager to be found by Him without spot or blemish (sins) and at peace (in serene confidence, free from fears and agitating passions and moral conflicts)...let me warn on your guard, lest you fall from your present firm condition (your own steadfastness of mind). But grow in grace and recognition and knowledge and understanding of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ. To Him be glory, both now and to the day of eternity. AMEN!"
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