Tuesday, December 29, 2009
Before I start this new year off running, (trying to catch up with last year), I have decided that it would be advantageous for me to wait on God (duh!). Although I'm very familiar with Isaiah 40:28-31, as I view my goals for the coming year, I get in a "tizzy"! For those of you who don't understand, I get overwhelmed and anxious. On the one hand I get excited about accomplishing some goals, on the other, my mind works against my body and my body says, "I don't think so"! Before I know it, I have to slow down. My husband speaks of a phrase I need to remind myself of, "You can work smart or work hard". It means we should work hard, but not in vain. In vs 28, we're reminded that the Lord does not grow weary or faint and we don't know all He knows! We need to trust His all knowing wisdom. Vs 29 says that He gives power and increases strength. Vs 30-31 states that even young people become exhausted but that those who wait on the Lord get renewed strength and power. They will fly like an eagle, run and not grow weary,walk and not get tired. Wow! I need me some of that! Notice, as we wait for a while, then we go! He helps us and gives us direction. He works everything out for His glory and purposes (Romans 8:28). Please read Ephesians 1. This passage says it all! God bless you, and me, as we attempt to live for and glorify Him in this new year.
Saturday, December 26, 2009
Bread of Heaven
During the Christmas holidays while decorating and preparing for family to arrive, I was singing to myself the carol, "Breath of Heaven". Instead of singing "breath" I found myself singing "bread". The Holy Spirit spoke to my heart and said, "Jesus is the Bread of Heaven". I know that the Bible speaks of Him being the Bread of Heaven, but I want to understand better what that means. In John 6:51, Jesus said, "I am this living bread that came down from heaven". In John 6:48 He said, "I am the Bread of life...this is the Bread that came down from heaven...". In Jn. 6:22-35 Jesus addressed the fact that the people were wanting Him to perform a miracle. He said that God provided the miracle manna (or bread from heaven for daily food) in the wilderness for the Israelites, but now He is the daily provision. Because of His claim, the Jews were finding fault with Him. (Jn 6:53-60) Even His disciples were complaining about this concept. In vs 64, Jesus rebuked them. He told them to trust in Him, have faith, and to dwell continually with Him. If we do, He promises that we will have eternal life (6:54-58). He is our Portion (Heb.-allotment; inheritance; part). He is all we need. He should be our all in all. If we have Him, we have everything! In John 6:57 Jesus sums up the true meaning of this claim, "Just as the Living Father sent Me and I live by (through and because of) the Father, even so whoever continues to feed on Me (whoever takes Me for his food and is nourished by Me) shall live through and because of Me". What a great privilege! What hope, joy, and peace! Nothing else in this world compares!
Wednesday, December 23, 2009
The Season of Hope
Everything about the Christmas story involves hope. Hope is a joyful and expectant outcome. It is heartening, being optomistic about the future, and encouraging. In Christ we have hope for our eternal home in heaven. We hope for God's promises. Yesterday I was meditating on hope, what it means Biblically, and this definition came to my mind. Hope is believing that your efforts and or someone elses' will make a difference for a favorable outcome in an unfavorable situation. God is faithful. What He says will happen, will! So many times I become disillusioned and disappointed when I am trusting God for a favorable outcome. Things begin to look like I'm not going to experience God's goodness. Many times I've found that I have had a preconcieved idea of what the outcome should be and I haven't trusted in His faithfulness to work it all out (Romans 8:28). I have jumped to erroneous conclusions. I then begin to fear, become angry, and frustrated. Why??? God has never failed me yet! Why do I, after 30 years of seeing His faithfulness over and over, still doubt that He'll come through for me somehow? Thank God for His mercy!! But for the input of His Word and the precious Holy Spirit in my life, there go I as the Israelites in the wilderness. They jumped to wrong conclusions about God even after they saw the great miracles He did. Many were destroyed because of it (1 Corinthians 10:1-13). As I watched a video about Mary re: the angelic visitation, facing Joseph, her friends, relatives and being single and pregnant, the journey to Bethlehem and all of the hardships she faced, I began to sob. Even though she was carrying the Son of God, she had to go through all of these things? She did and yet she was faithful. God knew that she would be and that is why He chose her (Luke 1:28;30). It's pretty awesome what God did when He sent His only Son into the world. The ways in which He chooses to do things don't make sense to our natural mind (Rom. 8:5-9), but God in His wisdom remains victorious! Let us have our hope restored this Christmas. I want to trust God like never before regardless of how I think He should do things. I know that I will see His goodness after all! (Psalms 27:13-14) "What would have become of me had I not believed that I would see the Lord's goodness in the land of the living. Wait and hope for and expect the be brave and of good courage, and let your heart be stout and enduring. Yes, wait and hope for and expect the Lord."
Saturday, December 19, 2009
Far as the curse is found...
Looking at the world around me lately and experiencing some stress and troubles of my own, I have had to acknowledge quite often the fact that the Lord Jesus purchased my freedom from the curse in this world (Galatians 3:13). Jesus came into this world, lived a sinless life, and died a cruel death on the cross so that we Christians could live a blessed life (Gal. 5:14). That life in Christ includes sonship, healing, provision, and the list goes on and on (Psalms 103:2; Gal. 3:26). Thank You Jesus!! But, only as we believe and accept what He did for us, will the blessing be invoked. Doubt and ignorance inhibits the blessing. We must be aware of the blessing and accept it by faith (Greek trans.-trusting in;adhering to; being loyal). That includes communing with Him and obedience because good works won't help matters. The anwer is living by faith in Christ daily(Gal.5:11;18). We must remember His promise. The promise is for the seed of Christ, and for Christians who accept His promise by faith (Gal.3:16). God gave the Law which allowed for some degree of blessing as long as it was kept (Gal.3:19-26). Under the New Covenant, when we belong to Christ, then we are Abraham's offspring and heirs according to the promise (Gal. 3:29). This Christmas season, let's remember what Jesus did for us. Let's remember that our Father in Heaven sent His only Son for us! I am reminded of that wonderful Christmas carol, "Joy to the World". The line says, "He has come to make His blessings known, far as the curse is found...". His Christmas gift to us was so costly and precious! This Christmas, let our gift to Him be our gratitude and all of our love. Let this Christmas gift to Him be His everyday, all year long and throughout eternity.
Wednesday, December 9, 2009
I see this word "Believe" in the stores on the beautiful Christmas decorations. What does it mean? Believe in God? Believe in Santa? We should believe, but we must believe in God. Read the account of the angelic visitation Mary experienced in Luke 1. Mary, the mother of Jesus asked the question, "How can this be?", when told that she would have a son. Because she was a virgin she asked the angel Gabriel to explain. Gabriel graciously proceeded to try and explain that the Holy Spirit would come upon her, overshadow her, she would have a child, and to name Him Jesus. He went on to say that the "holy Thing which will be born will be the Son of God". Sounds like a fiction movie! This was real however. Well, imagine what this kind of super-natural salutation might have been like. Although the angel greeted her with kind and favorable words, he had to encourage her to not be afraid. The Bible says that she was disturbed and confused. She managed to calm herself enough to ask him the question, "How can this be?" Did the angel give an understandable explanation? Not really. She accepted his response and believed that God's will would be done... somehow. In the face of insurmountable odds, when God presents to us His promises and His will for our life, we must believe that He will accomplish it, somehow. We must be like Mary in that she believed God's word for her life. She was trusted and obeyed. We must follow her example to trust and obey regardless of the circumstances we see. God has a good plan. May we BELIEVE GOD this season and see the fulfillment of His amazing plans He has for us! As the angels proclaimed to the shepherds in the fields, "Fear not...Glory to God in the Highest, peace on earth, and good will toward men!"
Monday, November 30, 2009
Grace and peace be to you!
Fear is all around us! Granted, the instability in the financial world, the politcal changes and challenges we are experiencing tend to shake up any hope for the future one might have! Stress and anxiety regarding the times we live in are taking a toll on us. How do we overcome and not be taken captive to fear and dread? In Isaiah 8 we find hidden nuggets of truth that will give us the way of escape from the paralyzing fear in the world today. In Isaiah 8:10-22;9;1-7, God reveals the fact that the enemy has fearful plans for God's people, but the plans won't come to pass if God (Emmanuel) is with us (vs.10). God warns that we do not become obsessed with conspiracy theories and fear what these people are fearing (vs.11-12). Don't consult others or look to the earth (vs. 19-22). ONLY let the Lord be your fear and dread. Regard Him as your hope (vs.13). God instructs us to let Him be our sanctuary (refuge) (vs14). Look for and hope in the Lord (vs. 17). Why? Because we and our children the Lord has given us are for signs and wonders from the Lord of Hosts WHO dwells in Mt. Zion (vs. 18). When we are at peace and delivered, others will be amazed at God's presence in our lives. Mt. Zion is a symbol of God's presence signifying safety and protection. The Lord of Hosts is a divine title associated with the sanctuary of Shiloh signifying might and power commonly found in military and apocalyptic contexts> (from the Illustrated Dictionary and Concordance of the Bible). He is our Messiah, Wonderful Counselor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace. The zeal of the Lord of Hosts will perform this (9:6-7). Grace and peace be to you! (Phillippians 1:2)
Friday, November 20, 2009
MOST blessed is this person...
Why are some people more blessed than others? The answers are in the Bible, bottom line. Although we must not judge others with regard to the conditions set forth, we need to evaluate our life and be humble to align ourselves to the conditions as necessary, for the glory of God. Where ever we are in life, God can bless us in the midst of our circumstances and bring us out of the pit of hopelessness, IF we let Him. God paid a huge price to receive us into His family with all of the benefits! Let's partake and enjoy! Sometimes we Christians go through tests and trials. Sometimes the devil throws a punch below the belt when we are not looking. We are all at different places in our journey. But over all our lives should attest to the abundant provision and goodness God has for us, His children>(John 10:10). We should always be able to attest to the faithfulness and goodness of God. This passage in Jeremiah 17:7-8, explains that a person who believes in, trusts in, and relies on the Lord, and whose hope and confidence is in Him, is MOST BLESSED! He will be like a tree planted by the river. Will not fear or even see when drought comes (or difficult times that could destroy the tree if it depended on the external conditions). The tree will look and be alive! It will not cease bearing fruit. How? It's nourishment comes from within-not from the outward circumstances. Our inward life with the Holy Spirit is where we will receive the nourishment we need for living the abundant life Christ came to give us. I'm on that blessed journey! How about you? God has already blessed me so very much! During this season of thanksgiving, let's keep in mind how blessed we truly are, and let it be a fresh committment for the rest of our lives!
Tuesday, November 17, 2009
God wants to harden us to difficulties!
(Isaiah 41:1-11 Ref.) When I first read this passage in the Amplified Bible, I saw in a new light how God is on my side. We need to draw near to Him in difficult times. Regretfully, instead of crying out to God, the difficulties tend to embitter us and we turn from Him, from His love, and His plan for us. We need to see that our adversary is the devil, not God! He says that He will deliver us as we trust in Him. In vs. 1 God asks His people to come together to renew their strength in His presence and to discuss with Him the strategy needed to defeat our enemy! We need to seek Him and get His counsel regarding our challenge. We need to know what the commander in chief wants us to do! (vs 2)> God roused up Cyrus ( a type of Christ-minded, faith filled Christian) whom He called to serve Him in righteousness and who met victory at every step. (Vs 3)> we see that Cyrus subdued ungodly nations and pursued the enemy swiftly, unhindered, and safely. The Lord has done this and is calling forth and guiding the destinies of nations. (Vs 5-10)> the whole earth will see it and will fear. The ungodly will try to encourage one another in their vain and futile attempts to trust in their gods. BUT, God has chosen us, His servants, the offspring of Abraham (father of faith) whom He has taken from the ends of the earth. He has not cast us off! He is instructing us to not fear or be in terror or be dismayed. HE IS OUR GOD! He promises to strengthen us, and harden us against difficulties. We can't quit! He WILL hold us up with His victorious right hand of rightness and justice. Vs 11>BEHOLD, all who fight against us and hate us will be put to shame and be confounded. They will be as NOTHING and SHALL PERISH! Wow! What blessed assurance! Believe it! I do! We have the VICTORY!
Tuesday, November 10, 2009
Jesus is Crazy About You!
I've been going through a little bit of a tough time lately. I've been wondering where God is in all of this. Is it something I've done? I am checking my heart and repenting constantly thinking that this is what I need to do to get answers for my prayers and get back that feeling of closeness to the Lord. Even though I know that I shouldn't go by my feelings or my circumstances to determine whether or not Jesus loves and cares for me, I still do sometimes. His word confirms that He does not condemn His children, and loves us sooo much! The story in John 8 of the adulteress who was being stoned reveals Jesus' heart. He said, "he who is without sin, cast the first stone...I do not condemn you. Go and sin no more" or (practice your lifestyle of adultery). None of us is without sin. That's just the way it is. But, because I have accepted what Jesus did for me on the cross and make every effort to love Him and live for Him, then I have nothing to worry about. Last night I had weird dreams. I never have nightmares. But because of the antibiotic I'm on, I did. I got up in the night, prayed and cried to God for help, as I have been all week fighting this sickness. Nothing happened. I went back to bed, afraid and yet so sleepy. I awoke at 8:00 am to the phone ringing. I said hello in a raspy, tired voice. The jovial person on the other end said, "Hey! Jesus is crazy about you girl!" I was half asleep, but that sure woke me up! It was the Chaplain at the women's prison calling to tell me to send a fax he needs for our outreach coming up. He had no idea what that word in due season did for me. Proverbs 15:23 says,"...a word spoken in due season or at the right time, how good it is!" It truly brought me to tears. I am still basking in His love and the preciousness of God to give me that word of encouragement after such a tormenting night. That word changed my life. It broke the lie of the devil and instantly I felt God's love and presence. I continue to gain a deeper understanding of His great love for me. Sometimes we go through difficult times, and yet the Lord's love never changes. Believe it! I do now more than ever. That word changed my life. I am now resting in His love. What fellowship, what a joy divine , leaning on the everlasting arms!
Sunday, November 8, 2009
Get a Life!
Everybody is looking for more life in their life. We've all heard the expression, "get a life!". What does it mean? Well, it's usually spoken to or about someone who puts all of their effort and focus on something seemingly insignificant or detrimental, (something like that). We look all around us today and see people looking for meaning in life. We see a hunger to preserve ones life in some form or fashion. Jesus said that if a person wishes to save their life, they must give it up to Him, then true life can be found.(Jn 12:25). In Luke 9:23-26 Jesus said that one must deny himself and take up his cross (death to self will) DAILY and follow Him. My son-in-law loves to sing this song that says, "everyday it's You I live for, everyday I'll follow after You, everyday I'll walk with You my Lord". This is the call of Christ. This is a must in order to be His disciple. Jesus said, (Luke 17:20-34), whoever saves his own life, will lose it. Whoever loses it for His sake, will find it. He also said to remember Lot's wife.(Genesis 19). She looked back at her old life, before following God, and was subsequently destroyed. I need Him and want Him everyday. Sometimes I get too busy and proceed to take life back (momemtarily of course!). Soon, I remember why I gave my life to Jesus! In Him is LIFE.(Jn 1:1-4). I want to be His disciple, and then I will truly experience the abundant and wonderful life Jesus came to give (Jn 10:10). My heart is set! Help me remember in the busy moments, I'm going after real LIFE, You Lord! Everyday!
Monday, November 2, 2009
The Heavens Declare the Glory of God!
God created the earth! All things were created for His glory and praise. (Genesis 2; Psalm 148). Last night Bill and I went to the Corn Maze in McCintosh and it was the most beautiful evening ever, here in central Florida. It was on the Perryman's farm, a hilly area with open spaces and a gloriously clear sky. We took a hayride in the 57 degree weather with just 2 mosquitos, a bright full moon and a myriad of stars. There was even a falling star! I felt God's presence and was in amazement (no pun intended. Ha!). This morning I opened the Bible to Psalms 19:1-4. "The Heavens declare the glory of God; and the firmament shows and proclaims His handiwork. Day after day pours forth speech and night after night shows forth knowledge. There is no speech nor spoken word (from the stars); their voice is not heard (with the ear). Yet their voice (in evidence) goes out through all the earth, their sayings to the end of the world..." I noticed on the hayride a sense of joy and awe beholding the majesty and the glory of God in the heavens. In Romans 1:19-25 we see that the creation reveals God's invisible nature and attributes, His eternal power and divinity. God makes it plain to mankind and shows it to us Himself. There is a great creator. It was obvious to me and I believe to all of us on that hayride last night. Thank You Father that You gave us the signs in the heavens that clearly declare your existence! I praise You and You are worthy of all praise and glory!
Wednesday, October 28, 2009
The Wealthy Place
In Matthew 6 Jesus exhorts us as believers to not be anxious or worry about our life, what we will wear or eat, or anything about our future. He tells us that the Father in heaven will provide for us. He will take care of those who trust in Him! In Matt 6:30-33 we are instructed to put God's Kingdom first, have faith and then everything will be provided. Pursue God first and He will bring us into our wealthy place as we love and obey Him. This psalm reveals the pathway to God's provision. ( Psalms 66:1-20) "*Make a joyful noise unto God all the earth...*make His praise glorious...*say to God, How awesome and glorious are Your works!...Come and see the works of God...*Bless our God, O peoples,*give Him thanks...Who refined and tried us...but brought us into a wealthy place> (KJV), (Hebrew trans.-abundance; satisfaction; wealthy.)...*I will come to Your house...*I will pay my vows that my lips uttered in my distress...*I will offer You offerings...*I will declare what He has done for me as *high praise was under my tongue...You've heard *my prayer and Your mercy and loving-kindness are always with me."
Wednesday, October 21, 2009
Grace Happens!
I was at the prison a few months ago and was getting to know some of the inmates. Some of the women were beautiful, and young. Some were old and seemed so humble. (This was in the Faith Based program). I heard about how some of the crimes had been committed once and were things that I had done as a young person and never got caught! I felt so sorry for them because for one wrong moment they chose to do something wrong and illegal and were now imprisoned and being punished. Thankfully, I freely drove away from the prison. I thought, "But for the grace of God, there go I." Thank the Lord for the prayers of my loved ones. The grace of God came into my life. He now keeps me as I yield to Him everyday and allow Him to create in me a clean heart, He gives me the ability and desire to do His will. (Grace-(Greek)-the divine influence upon the heart and it's reflection in life; thankworthy joy.) Ephesians 2:8-13 says, For it is by grace that we are saved, through our faith...remember we were once separated from God but now are saved and brought near to Him through the blood of Christ. The Father in heaven chose to reveal the path to becoming His child to me and I took Him up on it! I am forever grateful and hope to abide in His grace through my faith in Him. He is trustworthy! I began this journey approx. 30 years ago. I can hardly believe that it has been that long! I've found so much joy and fulfillment. Without Him I could do nothing! Grace happens!
Do I know Him?
The trend to believe that any and all people are saved and going to heaven throughout the whole world is a fallacy (mistaken idea or error). I hear this philosophy often. Even many believe that if one tries to do what is right or follows another well meaning religion besides Christianity, it is alright. Even in Christianity many believe that once a person has accepted Christ into their heart and "walked the aisle", they are saved. I beg to differ with this belief based on many passages from the Bible of which I will mention a few. #1. Romans 8:1-14 says that there is no condemnation for those in Christ Jesus WHO: don't live after the flesh, but live according to the Spirit; you will be spiritually minded and will desire to please God; You MUST have the Spirit of Christ or else you are not His, and you will be led by the Spirit of God. #2. 1 John 4:7-15 A believer MUST love others and confess or believe (trust in, adhere to and be loyal to) God. #3. 1 John 2:15-17 A Christian must not love (affection in a social or moral sense) the world or the things in the world, but must desire to do the will of God first and foremost. #4. Matthew 7:21-27 Jesus said that even if you call Him Lord and do not do what He says or know Him personally, you will be asked to depart from Him and will not enter into Heaven. Having a relationship with Christ takes daily effort. I was thinking this AM about dieting and exercise. If I let a day or two slip by not making an effort to stick with my plan, then before long I have gotten back into my undesireable behaviors. I love to know that the Holy Spirit is my best friend. Only when I make spending time with Him and communicating with Him on a regular basis do I show Him that our relationship is my priority! I want to stay close to Him, then I know that I am not condemned and alienated from the One for Whom I live and love, and Who first loved me! I love being a child of God! He's more desireable than anything this world offers! He's more beautiful than diamonds, more precious than silver, and more costly than gold. Give Him your all and you will then know for yourself!
Wednesday, October 14, 2009
Master Evil with Good
How can we master evil in the world? Rom 12:21(1-20) "Do not let yourself be overcome with evil, but overcome or master evil with good." What is good? Looking at the preceeding verses, we can see what is contained in good. Each one of these are deep, rich and worthy of study and meditation! #1-vs1-Make a decisive dedication of your body to be holy and well pleasing to God; #2-vs 2-Do not adapt yourself to the external and superficial customs of this world, BUT transform your mind (attitude and ideas) by renewing it, and prove what is good, acceptable and the perfect will of God; #3-vs3-Don't be proud and arrogant>be humble and realistic; #4-vs9-let your love be sincere; #5-vs 9-hate evil and turn from it, hold on to what is good; #6-vs10-love on another with brotherly affection, show honor and preference; #7-vs11-be zealous and "on fire" for God, serve the Lord; #8-vs12-rejoice in hope; #9-vs12-be steadfast; #10-vs12-be patient in tribulation; #11-vs13-constant in prayer; #13-vs13-contribute to the needs of God's people; #13-vs13-be hospitable; #14-vs14-bless your persecutors; #15-vs15-rejoice with those who rejoice and weep with those who weep; #16-vs16-don't be a snob, do humble tasks and adjust yourself to things and people; #17-vs17-be above reproach and don't repay evil for evil, consider what is honest and noble; #18-vs18-as far as it depends on you, live at peace with everyone;#19-vs19-don't be vengeful; #20-vs20-give your enemy a drink if he's thirsty or food if hungry. How can good overcome evil? My husband has been making a point in his recent series that I believe these verses speak to. He asks, "What's wrong with the world? ME! Say it...ME!" It starts with me! We can't change the world without changing ourselves first. This is how we will master evil!
Monday, October 12, 2009
Be Strong and of Good Courage
God is good all the time!! This is one of my husband's favorite quotes. We quote this alot in our church, but I wonder how many of us truly believe it! I wonder how much I truly believe it! I am asking God to continue to reveal to me how to fully trust and hope in Him and His goodness that He has laid up for me. (Ps. 27:13-114) "What would have become of me had I not believed that I would see the Lord's goodness in the land of the living!" Even in the wilderness experiences of life, we must know that He is good! We must remember how good He has been to us and how wonderful He has been in our life! I believe we must hold on to Him, with hope and faith in what appears to be a difficult journey at the moment and an abandonment of God in the midst of our following Him. The Israelite's faith in God was tested while roaming through the wilderness, heading to the "Promised Land". This was to be a "land of milk and honey", God's goodness in every form! Many suffered tragedy and failure before entering the promised land. According to God's word, their problems boiled down to disobedience, (Ps 106). This included: mistrust in God , lust, and pride. These things keep God's children out of our promised land! Instead of entertaining these sins, which keep us from intmacy with Him, and from our receiving the promises of God, we need to focus on these things:#1. Ps 131:1-3 Stop fretting, calm down and hope in God. #2. Ps 31:19 Revere, worship, and trust God in your heart and before all! #3. Ps 27:13-14 Be strong and endure! Wait for, hope in, and expect the Lord goodness! Yes! Wait for, hope in Him, be strong and courageous! Guaranteed, we will see the Lord's goodness in our life!
Monday, October 5, 2009
Open the Eyes of My Heart Lord
Have you heard these words before? This is a line from a song that we sing at church and it is very popular on Christian radio. Do you think most people know what this means? I believe that it is a prayer for understanding more of what God wants to do in me, in my personal life and realationship with Him. I went to Atlanta to the Joyce Meyers Conference this past weekend. Israel Houghton led the worship and the whole thing was phenomenal. It was a life changing experience! The messages were about things I've heard many times before, yet the Holy Spirit brought a deeper understanding and revelation to me personally. Her main point was the fact that we Christians can know the will of God and word of God, but until we are actually applying it to our life, we aren't experiencing a life change, and that's His objective. Then on to Surfside Beach, SC to visit my sister. We went to her wonderful church Sunday am and the Lord continued to deepen my understanding of what He is doing in my life. Now more than ever, I realize that He is continually working in me and will continue to throughout my life, transforming me into the image of His son Jesus. I know that sometimes I feel God has done so much work in me, that He can't have that much more to do! Ha! (He has His hands full!) I love this verse in Ephesians and this is my prayer. (Eph.1:16-20 ) "...I do not cease to give thanks for you, making mention of you in my prayers: that the God of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of glory, may give to you the spirit of wisdom and revelation in the knowledge of Him, the eyes of your understanding being enlightened , that you may know what is the hope of His calling, what are the riches of the glory of His inheritance in the saints, and what is the exceeding greatness of His power toward us who believe, according to the working of His mighty power...". Praise the Lord! He's patiently working in us to get us to where He wants us! Father, help us understand what You are doing in us so that we can fully understand and see who you want us to be in Christ!
Tuesday, September 29, 2009
IF we endure...
The Bible describes what is required for God's servants who are set apart and useful for God's noble and honorable service. To these are promised the honor of reigning with Him forever. (Revelation 22:1-5 ). It would be smart for us to apply these values and requirements to our own life. Let's look at these conditions given in 2 Timothy 2:1-26. Starting in verse 1, Apostle Paul exhorts Timothy to be strong and to work with men who are faithful, competent, reliable, and able to teach the gospel. In vs 4 he encourages Tim not to be half-hearted but to be like a soldier enlisted to serve the commander. In vs 5 Paul encourages him to be like an athlete who plays fair and yet competes to win. Finally in vs 6 Tim is told to be like a farmer who works hard to receive the fruitful reward of his labor. Paul shares that his suffering in prison with chains was because of his sharing the gospel and his imprisonment would not chain the gospel! He knew that it would provide salvation and eternal glory for himself and others. As our example, Paul was prepared to persevere and stand his ground (vs10). He instructed Tim to tell people to (1) vs 15-study the Word and be eager to present themself to God avoiding shame and error.2)vs16 avoid empty talk 3)vs21-Cleanse themself from corrupting influences. (4)vs22- Shun youthful lusts and pursue all that is good, virtuous, right living and conformity to the will of God.(5)vs22- aim at and pursue faith, love, peace in fellowship with all Christians who call upon the name of the Lord from a pure heart.(6)vs23Have nothing to do with unedifying controversial questions that foster strife and breed quarrels.(7)vs24-25-Finally, don't be argumentative, but be kind, mild tempered, a skilled teacher, willing to suffer wrongfully so that others may come to their senses out of the devil's grip into God's will for their life. This is our plumbline. Help me Lord to measure up and glorify You!!
Saturday, September 26, 2009
Pour your heart out like water before the Lord
I have found that receiving something from the Lord sometimes takes a "crying out" to Him. Just about anything I have really wanted or needed from the Lord required persistence, perseverance, and a good old fashioned, "Lord! I am expecting you to do something!! Lord, I'm desperate!!". I read a scripture today that touched my heart in Lamentations 2:19, "Arise (from your bed), cry out in the night, at the beginning of the watches; pour out your heart like water before the face of the Lord...". How can we pour out our heart like water? If I pour a pitcher of water onto the ground, it's just all out there, running everywhere. It's spent. I feel that sometimes in my prayer for God's intervention in a situation, I am spent. I am completely focusing on the prayer need, desparate for a response from Him. Every time, God has been faithful to answer me. He is always there for me as He will be for you when you are desparate for Him. My dad calls it, "getting down to business with God". It reminds me of two stories out of the New Testament. One, (Matt. 9:20-22) a woman pushed through the masses to get to Jesus for healing. She was healed. Another story (Mark 2:1-5) some friends put their paralytic friend through a hole in the ceiling of a house that they made where Jesus was speaking. They lowered the man down to Jesus and he received his healing. There are many other instances of persistent faith being met with the love and power God. Jesus said in Luke 11:5-10) that he who asks, seeks, knocks and keeps on asking, seeking, and knocking will receive. Luke 18:1-8 Jesus tells a story of persistent faith. The story is about an unjust judge that a woman pursues incessently to defend her until he gave in and decided to because of her persistence. Jesus asked in that passage if when He returns will He find this kind of faith on the earth? He said in essence that this kind of faith gets God's attention and that He will answer it, and He loves it! Press in to God, pour out your heart to Him and don't give up! He's faithful!! He will hear you! He will be there for you!
Thursday, September 24, 2009
...but none of these things move me
When I read this passage in Acts 20:18-38, I find myself encouraged and challenged thinking upon the life and example of the Apostle Paul. His statement in vs 24, ..."but none of these things move me", speaks volumes! In other words, He was completely resolute to following the Lord whatever the cost! He faced difficult circumstances in preaching the gospel such as imprisonment and suffering beyond what most Christians today experience. This statement truly is profound considering the circumstances he faced for the cause. What seems like a high price to pay to follow Christ as an American Christian today, in not being readily accepted as "one of the crowd" or facing the typical challenges in life and trying to trust and obey God, is but a pitiful excuse for carrying the name of Christ. He was suffering persecution, hardship, and difficulty beyond our comprehension, in the center of God's will. AND YET: #1.He was steadfast, God honoring, and committed to fulfilling the plan of God for his life. (vs 23-24) #2. He was the epitomy of loyalty to the Lord and the brotherhood. (vs36-38) #3. He was a giver. He lived what Jesus declared,"...it is more blessed to give than to receive", by being mindful and merciful to the weak. (vs 35) I'm reminded of someone I know, a missionary to Viet Nam, Charles Johnson. He is bent over a walker, a man in his 70's, with MS and by the grace of God ministers to the street orphans and impoverished people of Viet Nam. For example, a few years ago in the street, he held in his arms and prayed for a man the moment he died with aids. Mr. Johnson is one of my heroes! God bless him for his resolve. Lord, help us to be grateful and honored to serve You in whatever capacity You choose. I'll love you for now and for always!!
Saturday, September 19, 2009
It's A Wonderful Life
There are some basic things that are hidden from the ordinary person that insure a good life. For years it evaded me! Thank You Jesus, I can now live the kind of life He wants for me, a wonderful life! Revealed in 1 Peter 3:10-11 are 5 keys that I believe cover alot of ground for understanding what it takes to enjoy life. #1. Keep your tongue from evil. #2. and your lips from speaking deceit. #3. shun or avoid evil. (What is evil? The answer is in the Bible. Ignorance is not an excuse, but an obstacle.) #4. Do what is right. #5. And search for peace (harmony, undisturbed from fears, agitating passions, and moral conflicts), do not merely desire peaceful relations with God, your fellow man, and yourself, but pursue and go after them. To have a wonderful life, we need to make a concerted effort to accomplish these exhortations. Doing life God's way brings the life Jesus said that He came to give us. Jesus said in John 10:10, "...I came that they (Christians) may have and enjoy life...". If I don't have joy, I need to seek the Lord and check with the above conditions. I then get myself straightened out and inevitably the joy returns! We all need contentment that comes from obedience and a bright hope for tomorrow. The Holy Spirit helps us and each new day can be a wonderful day!
Thursday, September 17, 2009
Meekness, a great accomplishment
Years ago I heard a preacher tell of how Moses was considered to be the meekest man on the face of the whole earth. As a matter of fact his brother Aaron and sister Miriam spoke against him and they were judged severely by God. (Num. 12). The Lord was very angry with them because Moses was close to God. He was humble and allowed God to use him mightily. God heard the complaints and took vengeance on them for Moses' sake. I believe God is on our side when we're meek and He takes vengeance for us when we do not attempt to take it for ourselves. (Rom. 5:19). Galatians 5:22 reveals the distinctive evidence of the Holy Spirit in someone's life> "But the fruit of the Holy Spirit (the work which His presence accomplishes) is love, joy, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness (MEEKNESS), and self-contol. The tone of all these qualities is one of meekness. A flavor different than most people have these days! This outlook on life today is prevailing and contagious! I call it self-preservation with an attitude!The Gainesville Sun (9-16-09) printed an article on the front page with this caption, "What's happened to civility?" The article goes on to say, "If the fall tv line-up included a reality show called "America Behaving Badly", the events of recent days would provide enough footage to fill several installments". I know that it is easy to behave badly. It's harder not to! Only by the grace of God and the power of the Holy Spirit can we not be conformed to the world's way of doing things. Help us Lord to be challenged to humble ourselves and allow the Holy Spirit to live in and through us. Pray for me as I pray for you! I want to be on God's side and I want Him on my side! (note: this has nothing to do with social justice or law and order. I am talking about dealing with our personal issues like road rage, personality clashes, rudeness, dishonor, outbursts of anger, responding to persecution for Christ's sake, and the like.).
Wednesday, September 16, 2009
The Essence of Life should be...
The basic nature or essence of my life will be all encompassing. It should be something good and cause good in my life. This morning the Lord gave me something wonderful out of the treasure box of His word. This beautiful gift is a new realization of the fact that the basic ingredient I need in my life everyday is the reverential and worshipful fear of the Lord. The verse is in Psalms 15:16 "Better is little with the reverent and worshipful fear of the Lord than great and rich treasure and trouble with it." Even when we have little, we can be free of trouble in life when we fear the Lord. We have to understand godly fear. It means to have exceeding respect and honor. I need to honor God and respect Him enough to put Him first above all. (Hebrews 12:28-29;Jer. 5:19-31), "...our God is a consuming fire." In other words...He's amazing and an awesome God! He is also very loving and good! (Romans 11:22). And if I honor Him, then: #1.He will reveal His secrets to me. (Ps. 25:14) #2.I will dwell at ease and my children will be posperous. (Ps 25:12-13). #3.He will prolong my days and I can drink from the fouuntain of life. (Prov 10:27, 14:27). #4.He has great goodness laid up for me. (Ps 31:19). #5.He'll take pleasure in me. (Ps 147:11). And that's just a drop in the bucket! Dig out more for yourself!
Monday, September 14, 2009
In the Know
I am the type of person that has a hard time accepting things the way they are if I don't understand why or how they are that way. My weakness in this is becoming anxious and frustrated, taking matters into my own hands. This approach alienates me from God. I realize that there are some things in this life that I will not understand right now, but I'll have to trust God and wait until I get to Heaven to "be in the know". Nevertheless, God wants me to seek Him for answers. Revealing the answer is up to Him. God makes it clear in the Proverbs that seeking Him for understanding is considered valuable and virtuous. Hidden within God's word is the answer to ALL of our questions. The reason I say "hidden" is because the answers must be found as we read, study, and meditate (think about and pray) on the sciptures pertaining to our situation. When the answer is found and acted upon, the result is phenomenal! God's instructions are right on every time! This is God's way of revealing His truths and wisdom to us personally. In this pursuit of understanding, we discover that God loves us and we experience His faithfulness first hand. Now I can live in peace and joy. I'll get close to God. I'll come to know that He is there for me. I'll find that I can trust Him to lead me and take care of me! Proverbs 3:5-6 (Amp) "Trust (lean on and be confident) in the Lord with all of your heart and mind and do not rely on your own insight or understanding. In all your ways acknowledge Him, and He will direct and make straight and plain your paths."
Saturday, September 12, 2009
After all, tomorrow's gonna be another day...
The Lord showed me lately that faith and trust in Him is staying calm and holding on to His promises. It's having a positive attitude in difficulty and when facing what appears to be insurmountable odds. It's knowing that He's going to come through for me. We have to know that everything is going to work out ok when we trust in Him. Have you ever felt overwhelmed and hopeless? Well, there's always hope with God. I have learned a lesson from Scarlette O'Hara in the movie "Gone with the Wind". What??? Yes, the Lord impressed upon my heart one time this scene of her in one of the gutters of her life. She was collapsed at the bottom of her glamorous stairway. Her husband had just left her. What would come next? It was a miserable situation! You get the feeling that in all of her drama, she would just have a nervous breakdown or something along those lines. Instead she made an amazing statement in her strong southern drawl that was the ultimate expression of her outrageous resolve. It goes something like this- "...I can't think about that right now. I'll go crazy if I do. I'll think about that tomorrow. After all, tomorrow's gonna be another day." Amazing! There is so much power in the decision to live by that philosphy. God is faithful! If we hold on to Him and possess this kind of resolve, He will have the chance to prove Himself faithful and good. I've found this to be true! Always!
Have you had your V8 today? A taste of perfection
1 Corinthians 13:8-13 speaks of perfection coming for us someday! Wow! Think about that for a minute...Can you imagine what that will be like? Of course that will be in Heaven. God has given us tools or spiritual gifts to use while we are here on earth to help us know Him more and to enable us to help others know Him better. The gift of prophecy ( interpreting the divine will and purpose) will be fulfilled and pass away. Knowledge will lose it's value and be superseded by evidence of the truth. Both of these are very helpful for us now but Verse 9 says that "our knowledge and prophecy is fragmentary or incomplete and imperfect. Verse 12 says that our efforts on earth are like looking into a blurred mirror. But when perfection comes, we will see in reality and face to face. The Apostle Paul who authored this book said that now we know in part but then we will know and understand clearly and perfectly. Vs 10 states that when that which is perfect comes, the imcomplete and imperfect will vanish away or become antiquated and void. It's like a child not drinking out of a bottle anymore. One gift we that we have that will go with us throughout eternity:LOVE.
Verse 8>>>Love never fails, becomes obsolete or comes to an end...
Have you had your V8 today? LOVE is GREAT>>> GOD IS LOVE!(1 John 4:8)
Verse 8>>>Love never fails, becomes obsolete or comes to an end...
Have you had your V8 today? LOVE is GREAT>>> GOD IS LOVE!(1 John 4:8)
Thursday, September 10, 2009
Am I Critical?
This question is one that we should all ask ourselves on a regular basis. I know that I am critical and judgemental sometimes and I don't even realize it until after the fact. It may be just a thought or something said, either way it's not pleasing to God. It's even detrimental to my relationship with God. Jesus addressed this subject in Matthew 7:1-5 (Amp. Trans). He said not to judge, criticize, and condemn others, so that you aren't judged, criticized, and condemned yourself. He goes on to say that we shouldn't be this way because it will come back on us(vs2) and it makes us hypocrits(vs5). In vs 4 Jesus asks how can we correct anyone for something small when we don't deal with the big things in our own life(ex.pride, self-righteousness, etc). We're all only righteous because of what Jesus did for us on the cross (2 Cor.5:21). God so loved all of us that He sent Jesus into the world to love and save us, not judge, condemn or criticize (John 3:17). His love includes believing the best in others (1 Cor.13:7; 1 john 4:7-17 please look up). There is a place for correction but if it is done in Christ's love, it will be easier for that person to accept. We must be gentle and forgiving(Colossians 3:13) . The goal is to help each other to get close to God. Love, love, love!! It never fails (1 cor. 13:8).
Tuesday, September 1, 2009
Abundantly Prosperous
I know with all of my heart and according to His word, that our Father in Heaven desires for us to be prosperous. Although, in His great wisdom He will only allow it if there is a good chance that it won't corrupt us. I read on AOL this morning about a 16 year old girl in England who had won a 3 million $ lottery 3 years ago and said she wished now that she had never won it. Why? How? She is now broke and she spent it all on frivilous things, among them-cocaine,which she called evil. Now she is broke, with regret and heartache. Deuteronomy 30:1-20 is a picture of the wise Father's heart regarding our prosperity. vs. 2-3...obey the Lord, you and your children, with all of your heart and being, THEN the Lord will restore your fortunes and He will have compassion on you...vs 4-5 The Lord will bless you and y0ur family more than your father's... vs 6-7 the Lord will cleanse your hearts to love the Lord your God, and your enemies will suffer instead of you...vs 8-10 He will make you abundantly prosperous in every work of your hand, IF YOU OBEY the Lord with ALL OF YOUR HEART...vs 11-13 this command is not too hard or difficult to understand, nor is it a SECRET...vs 14-16 this word is in our heart and mind, and in our MOUTH, ready to come out; we must choose to keep the Lord's commands and to love Him and decide to do things His way...vs 17-20 THEN we will be blessed; BUT if we get distracted and draw away, it won't go well with us! I must choose God, obey His voice and CLING to Him. He is our life (Hebrew 2416-keeps alive; strength) and the length of our days .
Monday, August 31, 2009
Are we as "Christians" caught up and concerned about all 0f the wrong things? There is a mentality among many church people and church leadership (esp. in the US) that I believe fosters hypocrisy. How can you recognize it? By the lack of the fruit of the Holy Spirit, (Galatians 5:22-26). Before you know it, you can get caught up in that rat race, even out of good intentions. I know, because I have "been there and done that"! There is a tendency to compare, compete and even justify this mentality, to accomplish "something" for the Lord. Soon, the flesh kicks in and before we know it, our relationship with the Holy Spirit becomes impotent and miniscule.This passage is really the "bottom line" or a plumb line when it comes to authentic Chistianity-Romans 12:9, "Let your love be sincere (a real thing): #1.hate what is evil (loathe all ungodliness), but #2-hold fast to that which is good." Let's look at the following verses : Romans 12:9-21 Check it out! Check yourself!
vs. 10-love one another with brotherly affection> give precedence and show honor
vs. 11-never lag in zeal> burn with the Spirit, serving the Lord
vs12-rejoice in hope> be steadfast, patient in suffering and tribulation, constant in prayer
vs 13-contribute to the needs of God's people, pursue and practice hospitality
vs 14-bless and don't curse those who persecute you
vs15-rejoice with those who rejoice and weep with those weep
vs16-don't be a snob>but live harmoniously with others, be adjustable, and give yourself to humble tasks>don't overestimate yourself or be wise in your own conceits
vs 17-don't repay evil for evil>do what is proper and noble in the sight of others
vs 18-as much as possible, live at peace with everyone
vs 19-don't let evil master you> overcome evil with good
vs. 10-love one another with brotherly affection> give precedence and show honor
vs. 11-never lag in zeal> burn with the Spirit, serving the Lord
vs12-rejoice in hope> be steadfast, patient in suffering and tribulation, constant in prayer
vs 13-contribute to the needs of God's people, pursue and practice hospitality
vs 14-bless and don't curse those who persecute you
vs15-rejoice with those who rejoice and weep with those weep
vs16-don't be a snob>but live harmoniously with others, be adjustable, and give yourself to humble tasks>don't overestimate yourself or be wise in your own conceits
vs 17-don't repay evil for evil>do what is proper and noble in the sight of others
vs 18-as much as possible, live at peace with everyone
vs 19-don't let evil master you> overcome evil with good
Tuesday, August 25, 2009
Help me Lord!
Psalm 121:1-2 I will lift up my eyes to the hills...From where does my help come? My help comes from the Lord, Who made heaven and earth.
The Lord is our only real source of help. He is just a prayer away from our rescue. I know that He will always come through for me. He always has!! Maybe not in the way that I think He will or should, but He is always there for me.
The Hebrew word "Jehovah-Shammah from Ezekiel 48:35 means "God is there, or God is present". In Psalms 46:1 the Psalmist declares, "God is our refuge and strength, a very present help in time of trouble".
This passage is so rich with insight and hope! Psalm32:5-7 (Amp.) "I acknowledged my sin to You...I said, "I will confess my transgressions to the Lord", then You (instantly) forgave me the guilt and iniquity of my sin. Selah (think about that). For this let everyone who is godly pray_pray to You in a time when You may be found; surely when the waters overflow, they shall not reach him. You are a hiding place for me. Lord, preserve me from trouble. You surround me with songs of deliverance. Selah
The Lord is our only real source of help. He is just a prayer away from our rescue. I know that He will always come through for me. He always has!! Maybe not in the way that I think He will or should, but He is always there for me.
The Hebrew word "Jehovah-Shammah from Ezekiel 48:35 means "God is there, or God is present". In Psalms 46:1 the Psalmist declares, "God is our refuge and strength, a very present help in time of trouble".
This passage is so rich with insight and hope! Psalm32:5-7 (Amp.) "I acknowledged my sin to You...I said, "I will confess my transgressions to the Lord", then You (instantly) forgave me the guilt and iniquity of my sin. Selah (think about that). For this let everyone who is godly pray_pray to You in a time when You may be found; surely when the waters overflow, they shall not reach him. You are a hiding place for me. Lord, preserve me from trouble. You surround me with songs of deliverance. Selah
Monday, August 24, 2009
You are my best friend!
Holy Spirit, You are my best friend! Thank you for helping me, comforting me, and keeping me close to My Heavenly Father throughout my life! I know You will never leave me, I pray that I will never leave You or grieve You!! Your indwelling presence is my most treasured possession! You are my most valuable asset and I will be forever grateful for Your chosing me to live in. As the song goes, You are more precious than silver, more beautiful than diamonds and more costly than gold!
Monday, August 17, 2009
Jesus is Lord
Have you ever heard the expression "God has a great plan for your life"? I believe this to be true but this is often misinterpreted . Trying to fulfill your dreams or what you believe to be God's dreams for you, can impose a burden and disappointment beyond repair.
I believe it is God's perfect will to bless us, His children, with a happy and joyous life. Sometimes we interpret "God's perfect will" to be something that it is not. We may invision a ministry like Billy Graham's or Benny Hinn's when in fact it may be to do something much less glorious and notable. What is notable and truly great in God's eyes is much different than how the majority of the people in the world sees greatness.
God has created us with particular giftings and personalities. He, as the master painter, reserves the right to use our lives, as various colors, to paint the ultimate masterpiece.He has a plan for all of us in His great Kingdom. We must seek Him and find out what that plan is. This is what makes me great-it's doing what He wants me to do! He simply asks for our cooperation (trust and obedience). We then fulfill His will for our lives and this is the GREAT plan. We are His children and we are also ambassadors in this world, representing His kingdom and working for Him in whatever way He sees fit. JESUS IS LORD!
I believe it is God's perfect will to bless us, His children, with a happy and joyous life. Sometimes we interpret "God's perfect will" to be something that it is not. We may invision a ministry like Billy Graham's or Benny Hinn's when in fact it may be to do something much less glorious and notable. What is notable and truly great in God's eyes is much different than how the majority of the people in the world sees greatness.
God has created us with particular giftings and personalities. He, as the master painter, reserves the right to use our lives, as various colors, to paint the ultimate masterpiece.He has a plan for all of us in His great Kingdom. We must seek Him and find out what that plan is. This is what makes me great-it's doing what He wants me to do! He simply asks for our cooperation (trust and obedience). We then fulfill His will for our lives and this is the GREAT plan. We are His children and we are also ambassadors in this world, representing His kingdom and working for Him in whatever way He sees fit. JESUS IS LORD!
Wednesday, May 6, 2009
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