Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Abundantly Prosperous

I know with all of my heart and according to His word, that our Father in Heaven desires for us to be prosperous. Although, in His great wisdom He will only allow it if there is a good chance that it won't corrupt us. I read on AOL this morning about a 16 year old girl in England who had won a 3 million $ lottery 3 years ago and said she wished now that she had never won it. Why? How? She is now broke and she spent it all on frivilous things, among them-cocaine,which she called evil. Now she is broke, with regret and heartache. Deuteronomy 30:1-20 is a picture of the wise Father's heart regarding our prosperity. vs. 2-3...obey the Lord, you and your children, with all of your heart and being, THEN the Lord will restore your fortunes and He will have compassion on you...vs 4-5 The Lord will bless you and y0ur family more than your father's... vs 6-7 the Lord will cleanse your hearts to love the Lord your God, and your enemies will suffer instead of you...vs 8-10 He will make you abundantly prosperous in every work of your hand, IF YOU OBEY the Lord with ALL OF YOUR HEART...vs 11-13 this command is not too hard or difficult to understand, nor is it a SECRET...vs 14-16 this word is in our heart and mind, and in our MOUTH, ready to come out; we must choose to keep the Lord's commands and to love Him and decide to do things His way...vs 17-20 THEN we will be blessed; BUT if we get distracted and draw away, it won't go well with us! I must choose God, obey His voice and CLING to Him. He is our life (Hebrew 2416-keeps alive; strength) and the length of our days .

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