Tuesday, December 14, 2010
A vanilla caramel latte, please!
Aol has an ad with a housewife sitting in her living room. Her kids and dog are going wild in the room behind her and her house is in utter chaos. She sits there smiling, unaffected by her problems. It's because she's sipping on a vanilla caramel latte! Reality is that a latte might help her feel better for a few minutes, but what kind of real help does a latte give? She has a perpetual mess on her hands! Our newspaper featured an article today on the "12 Steps to De-stressing". Some of these steps might be helpful, but Jesus, Who is the Prince of Peace (Is. 9:6) exhorts us to learn from Him (Matt 11:28-30). He calls all who are weary and over burdened to come to Him. He promises to give rest (He will ease, relieve, and refresh your soul-Greek trans.). He said to take His burden (or yoke) upon ourselves. His yoke is light and easy, wholesome, useful, good, not harsh, sharp or pressing. It is also balanced, comfortable, gracious, and pleasant (Hebrew trans). These are characteristics of what I call the "Sabbath Rest Principle". It's the entrance into the abundant life Jesus came to give us (Jn 10:10). Tell me, how can I get this yoke? I have to make every effort, every day to enter into and live in a supernatural place of tranquility called the "Sabbath Rest" (Please read Heb. 3&4 Amp). Actually, this is how the true people of God are to live (Heb. 4:9). In the sabbath rest, we acquire confidence (or faith) and subsequently an inner peace that God is working everything out and He will take care of us. It's NOT sticking your head in the sand like an ostrich or denying reality. It is not just surviving either. It's listening to and obeying God's voice, and actually enjoying our life's journey. In Heb. 3:15-18 we see that God reveals why some of the Israelites did not enter into His rest. These were rebellious and self-reliant individuals. They were ungrateful, complainers, and murmurers. (God forgive me for my petty murmuring!) They subsequently died in the wilderness (Heb.4:11). It also says in Heb. 3:17 that those who were resistant in the wilderness actually irritated (or grieved and saddened) Him! I definitely don't want to irritate the Lord! Only those who enter that rest get to their "Promised Land"( a truly God-blessed life). How many of us Christians live in His peace and experience the blessed life Christ has promised? We may need to get with God to re-evealuate and prioritize our life. Moses was considered the meekest man ever to live (Exodus 33:14-15). Meekness is defined as humble compliance and flexibility. The key indication that Moses was humble and compliant is in Ex. 33:15. Moses told the Lord that if His presence didn't go with him, he didn't want to go on from there in search of the promised land. How many of us go on our own analysis of a situation in search of the "promises", whether we are confident that God is with us or not? Numbers 33:13-18 reveals Moses' heart. His desire was to know God deeply and to know God's ways. He desired to see God's glory above all else! I want this to be my passion: to know God deeply and to know His ways above all else. I long to see His glory. God told Moses in vs. 17 that he had found favor with Him, loving-kindness, and mercy. God also told him that He knew him personally and by name. What an honor! What joy and delight! Nothing in this world compares to knowing Him! Knowing Christ is salvation. One might call Him Lord, but if that one does not KNOW HIM, he will not be saved (Matt. 7:21-23). The A.Paul states in Phil 3:10-14 that it was his determined purpose to know Christ, to be continually transformed to His likeness by death to self, pressing on and forgetting what lies behind, and by making every effort to fulfill God's will. I pray that everyday we all will take up the cross of laying down our own will for the will of God in our lives. The crucified life is the blessed life!
Wednesday, November 17, 2010
I want to look over the bridge!
Just this past week the Lord mercifully dealt with me to be sure and begin my day spending quality time in His presence. It doesn't take a very long time to meet Him. I start with some words of worship, maybe a song, prayer, and a little study of His word. As Beth Moore says in her study "Stepping Up", "God's first priority is relationship, not just emergency response." Our first priority should be the same! In Psalm 91 (Amp) we see closeness to God is not only for intimacy, but for protection from ourselves and our enemy. It starts with: he who remains in the presence of Him Whose power no foe can withstand will: 1.) be delivered from traps; 2.) delivered from plagues, fear , destruction, and evil; 3.) and no will evil come near your home. Instead, we will be preserved, never forsaken by God, He will answer when we call, and we will live a long life. Sounds like sticking close to Him is the KEY to life! I remember a true story my mother-in-law used to tell my girls when they were small and rambunctious. While on a tour in Italy, they were crossing a bridge with a group of people and a lady was having a hard time with her little boy. He was struggling to free himself from her grasp to look over the edge of the bridge. He was finally successful, ran to the edge, lost his balance and fell over to his death. I pray that we will always hold tightly to the Lord's hand, knowing that His wisdom and correction express His love for His children. Here is an overview of Ps 94:12-18 (please read the whole thing): Blessed (happy, fortunate, to be envied) is the man whom You discipline O Lord...That You may give him power to keep himself calm in the days of adversity...He will not abandon His people...Unless the Lord had been my help, I would have dwelt in the land where there is silence...When I said my foot is slipping, Your mercy and loving-kindness, O Lord held me up."
Monday, October 25, 2010
I Need Peace
We all need peace! We all want peace, but why does it seem to evade us? The Bible reveals to us that God is "all about" peace, and that we Christians are to be "all about" peace. I like this bumper sticker that I've seen, "No peace? No God. Know peace, know God!" There is so much depth in this statement that I've only begun to grasp. It sounds simple enough to understand, but it is not always easy to acquire. It does take effort. Applying this truth to our life should be a dauntless task. The rewards are priceless! God is the God of peace. The gospel is the gospel of peace. If we refuse peace, we refuse Him and His way of doing things. I know people who seem to thrive on anxiety and pressure. Whether or not we can accept it, the lack of peace in our life is rooted in fear, self-will, and pride. These things are enemies of God. Why? Because this lifestyle doesn't produce a godly example. This lifestyle makes us sick, can kill us, and it doesn't allow the Holy Spirit to flow in our lives (among other things). Therefore, the love and blessings of God don't flow in our lives like they should. I have been tempted to live like that, and have at times. As I look back on those phases in my life, I see struggles with confusion, frustration, unfounded hurt, self-centeredness, illness, and anger (*not righteous anger). Many times these things are initially misinterpreted as attacks of the devil, but they are acts of the flesh or self-will (Gal. 5:16-26), which then opens the door to the devil and separation from God (1 John 2:15-17; 1 Pet :10-12 Amp. version; Rom. 8:6). God wants a life of peace for us. Jesus came to bring us peace (Acts 10:36; Luke 2:14); He is our Peace (Eph. 2:14); He is the King of peace (Heb. 7:2); He is the God of Peace (Rom 16:20; Jn 14:27); And His gospel is the GOSPEL of Peace ( Rom 10:15). Therefore, we need to LET the peace of God rule in our hearts (Col. 3:15). It's up to us. His peace is there for the taking. Possessing His peace looks like this: it is being sensitive to the Holy Spirit's leading, and then yielding to Him through obedience to His leading and His word. The fruit of peace or the evidence of it is as follows: from the Hebrew word shalom it is to be safe, well, happy, friendly, in good health, prosperous, favored, and whole. The Greek word eirene (i ray nay) is translated to be prosperous, have quietness, rest, and to set at one again (with God and restored). Jesus said that He came to give us a good life and life eternal (John 10:10). Are we going to let His sacrifice be in vain? I will not, as much as possible! I will make it my goal to let His peace be my guide. I will gratefully humble myself by acknowledging His Lordship, and enjoy His peace in my every single day! Living in God's peace, while living in this world, is like the salmon's ambitious swim up stream. The salmon does what is required, against all odds,to reach his goal. When all the world is screaming at us to hurry and be their savior, or demand we "make it happen", we need to cast our cares on Him (1 Pet. 5:7) and let Him do His work through us. We need to ready and position ourselves in His peace. Only then will we be truly fruitful (John 15:1-9). His yoke is easy and His burden is light (Matt. 11:29-30). Let living in His peace be our ambition (1 Pet. 2:11). Please take some time to read 2 Peter 3:1-18 (pref. Amp version). Trust Him. Obey Him. We'll be glad we did!
Saturday, October 9, 2010
Fighting Worry & Trusting God
How many times have you wondered when you'll get to the point of being able to trust God in every situation and not worry? After years of seeing God's faithfulness and how He comes through for those of us who rely on Him, doesn't it seem that we would eventually get it? Somehow we leak faith! Good news!! If we recall God's promises from His word and remind ourselves on a regular basis these things, we will be encouraged and faith will rise in our hearts! THEN, great things will happen! I MUST: #1. Commit my way to the Lord (roll and repose each care of my load on Him), trust (lean on, rely on, and be confident) also in Him>the promise: He will bring it (His good plan) to pass (Ps. 37:5 Amp). #2. Not envy sinners, but continue in the worshipful and reverent fear of the Lord all day long>the promise: there will be a latter end for me (a future and a reward) and my hope and expectation will not be cut off (Prov. 23:17-18 Amp). #3. Love God, and since I am called according to His purpose and design>the promise: I can be assured that He will work everything together and fit it into His good plan for me (Rom. 8:28 Amp). #4. Be consistently righteous, trust, and take refuge in Him>the promise: He will deliver me from the wicked and save me in the time of trouble (Ps. 37:39-40 Amp). These are just a few guarantees from the Word of God for us. Read the Psalms and dig more out. Use a concordance, there are thousands of promises. Have you ever seen the bread box promise holders? They were popular in the 70's. It was a little box in the shape of a loaf of bread with cards in it that had promises from the Bible on them. If I recall correctly, they didn't include the conditions. I hope you noticed the conditions that preceded the promises above. I've never seen a promise from God apart from a condition that must be met. As we line ourselves up with the conditions, then the promises are inevidable in time. I can testify of God's faithfulness to His word. This is true for me: I was young and now I'm old(er), yet I have not seen the (uncompromisingly) righteous forsaken or their seed begging for bread>Ps 37:25 AMP. Take Him at His word. Prove Him and you will be able to testify of His faithfulness too!
Friday, September 24, 2010
Subjects of Extortion
Why are there so many ministers these days becoming subjects of law suits and extortion? I just saw in the news where Bishop Eddie Long, a pastor of an Atlanta megachurch, was accused of keeping company with 3 teen boys for sex and took "good care" of them financially. Whether or not the allegations are true, this minister has put himself into a position of vulnerability. Not to mention the well-known ministers that have fallen in the past years. There is a hook that the devil uses to get these people. But the devil puts a nice bait on the hook . First of all, some of the bait that nicely covers the hook include extreme wealth, without proper accountability, too much power and fame, to name a few. How is it that some preachers and ministers of the gospel become so focused and entrenched with the wrong things and then become prey? I believe that it is a lack of wisdom and lack of the fear of God. We see in 1Tim. 3, 4, 5, qualifications for church leaders. In these chapters lay treasures of wisdom that will keep a minister on the right path. Some of the requirements are as follows: 1. He must be above reproach. 2. Self-controlled 3.Well-behaved 4. Sensible(This means that he should have enough sense not to allow himself to become vulnerable) 5. Hospitable and a friend to the believers 6. Not a lover of insatiable wealth. These are just a few nuggets in Chapter 3 that will keep a minister out of trouble. (There is still a wealth of wisdom and knowledge in the rest of the book.) Chapter 4 mentions that in the last days there will be some who will turn away from the faith through hypocrisy and pretensions of liars. We should be on guard! Pretention and lying is a trap! In Chapter 5:24-25 we see where some of the sins of men are conspicuous going before them to the judgement and proclaiming their sentence in advance. But, the sin of others appear later following the offender to the bar of judgement and coming into view there. This should be a scary thing if you are living a "secret" life. It's also an encouraging thing to know in vs 25 that even when our good deeds aren't evident now, they will not remain hidden forever! All will be revealed>(1 Cor. 4:5). God is holding all of us accountable for our life's deeds, good or bad. What makes Christians think that somehow a life of disobedience is ok with God? I've heard "Christians" say, "God understands..." "He knows I'm not perfect..." This is true, and He is merciful to immature Christians for awhile>(Heb 10:23-29), but when ministers, who are supposed to be mature (1 Tim 3:6) fall headlong into a lifestyle of sins, they will be found out...eventually at least, and they will be judged! I pray for Ted Haggard and others through the years who have brought a reproach to the Kingdom of God. I know that they can sometimes repent and we must forgive, but to be reinstated into ministry? I'm not so sure that this is always right. I think the Biblical path to restoration should be a life of humility. The restoration should be toward their relationship with God, not toward a ministry that could very well take that person down the wrong path again! There must be a fear of God and a fear of falling into the same sins again>1 Cor. 10:12. I pray for these ministers to have their eyes opened to the fact that they could very well be on their way to hell. This reminds me of the old hymn, "I'd Rather Have Jesus". Having Jesus is far more important than anything else! Oh how I love Him! I know that there are wonderful "famous" ministers that have faired well, to the glory of God (Billy Graham, Joel Osteen, Reindhart Bonke to name a few), but they must be doing what they should. My prayer is for the Lord to guard me, keep me, and cause me to be faithful all the days of my life. Whatever it takes Lord, discipline, deliver, protect. Do this for me...for all of us who love you!
Wednesday, September 8, 2010
God's protection on the Anniversary of 9/11?
Here in Gainesville, Florida we are faced with a dilemma. A local pastor has generated news and anger from all over the world by declaring a "Burn a Quran Day"on the anniversary of 9/11 this coming Saturday. He has received death threats, and our city has received terror threats, not to mention the threats of retaliation from Muslims all over the world. The University of Florida is having a football game that day and many in our city are concerned about the risk of attending that game. My daughter works at a restaurant within minutes of the stadium and is required to work that day or lose her job. I have been concerned about her safety and on this Sept. 8 morning as I sought the Lord about it, I believe He gave me a verse to confirm that she will be safe, as will those attending the game. I am writing this in openness and humility because it is what I believe to be a prophetic word and I may be wrong. Although I have been concerned, I do sense a peace when I normally tend to panic and take the "fear" route. I did encourage her to pray and be sure of her decision to go to work that day. The verse I believe God directed me to is from Jonah 4:11. This is the story of the prophet Jonah whom God had asked to go to a wicked city called Nineveh and preach repentance to them with mercy and grace. Jonah did not want to go and deliver that message because Jonah believed that God should judge them. But God made it clear to him that He is merciful and gracious and that they must be given a chance to turn to Him. (You can read the story for yourself.) In this verse God said, "...should I not spare Nineveh, that great city, in which there are more than 120,000 persons not yet old enough to know their right hand from their left...". I believe God has spoken to me that He will spare us from destruction, and that it is because of His mercy. I truly believe that God has a plan for Gainesville, and it is not to be blown off the map. It is for salvation. The people of Nineveh heard the word of grace and mercy, they repented, and came to God (Jonah 3). We Christians have the commission to preach repentance, but we must also realize how much God loves the world and desires that none should perish but that all would come to know Him (John 3:16). I am praying for God's mercy to flood this city and that the people would hear the Gospel, preached in love. I pray for an awakening to the Truth in Gainesville. I pray for His people to be faithful and take up the Great Commission, preaching repentance to those that Jesus died for and love them into His kingdom!
Monday, August 16, 2010
We must follow Daniel's protocol!
In my last post I wrote about my dream and the Lord's interpretation of it. Dreams are sometimes from eating strange food before bed or from thoughts we've had recently. But they can also be messages from God and there are many examples of this in the Bible. This post is about the interpretation of a dream King Nebuchadnezzar desparately wanted to know>Daniel 2:1-49. "A rare and weighty thing indeed the king requires!" was the response of the king's enchanters and magicians when they were asked for the interpretation of it. The King had even forgotten the dream, but it troubled him so that he demanded they tell him what the dream was or they would be executed! Their response was, "...no one but the gods can reveal this to the king and their dwelling is not with flesh." This angered the king and he called for the execution of all his "wise"men. Daniel and his companions were in that group. Daniel asked the executioner why the decree was so urgent. He explained the matter to Daniel and the Lord gave Daniel wisdom and knowledge in regards to their dilemma. Not only did God reveal to Daniel the dream, He gave him the interpretation. In verses 17-23 we see Daniel seeking God for help, praising God for wisdom, for knowledge, and for revealing the deep and secret things. As a result, Daniel and his godly friends were delivered from execution, made wealthy, and became governors of the land. God was given glory and honor by the King and throughout the whole kingdom. This is God's way. Instead of being self-absorbed and defeated in a quandry, we need to believe that God has an amazing plan for our good! In Jeremiah 29:11-14 God's heart for His loved ones is revealed. He says that He has thoughts and plans for us that include hope and goodwill. He says in this passage that as we search for Him with all of our heart as a vital necessity, we THEN will find Him and He will deliver us! In these days of financial uncertainty and with ungodliness all around, we must follow Daniel's protocol. We will THEN see God as our KING, DELIVERER, PROVIDER, and LOVING HEAVENLY FATHER!
Wednesday, August 11, 2010
My Dream
I had a dream last night that I believe will paint a picture of what it's like to resist the devil and follow God fearlessly. I was at the bottom of a hill looking up and seeing a couple of people at the top. I won't mention who they were, but they are people that I respect and are strong spiritually. As I approached the hill to go up, I noticed a huge badger, larger than normal, standing between me and the bottom of the hill. I knew that I wanted to go up to the top of the hill, but the badger was quite intimidating. With a strong desire and awareness that I must go to the top, I began my approach. I noticed that the badger didn't move. It looked stunned and didn't notice me. I passed by it and began my ascension. The hill was slippery and difficult, but I continued and made some progress, at which point I looked back to notice that the badger looked dead. It hadn't moved. As a matter of fact, it looked like a statue just sitting there at the bottom of the hill. There didn't seem to be power or life in the badger. At that point I was immediately on top of the hill in the arms of one of the people, feeling secure and safe. I believe the interpretation is as follows: The hill symbolized the challenging path to the will of God. The slippery slope is a picture of the natural difficulty we all encounter when attempting to rise to God's call and will. The badger is symbolic of the evil spirit that is set to daunt us and deflect us into another direction. A definition for badger is to tease or pester someone. This is what the devil attempts to do. But he has no power or ability to stop us, unless we don't move forward because of what appears to be a fearful encounter. The Lord showed me that following God's call is not easy. It's an uphill climb. It's going to be difficult in this world, because the world is naturally resisitant to it. The devil always puts a decoy in front of us. A decoy is a thing used to lure, as into a trap. It's meant to mislead. Isn't this what the devil does? He deceptively works in our life to keep us from pressing on to the high calling of God. None the less, there is a place of safety and security in Christ. It is in the will of God for our life. I want to encourage myself and you to press past difficulty and fear. Go up and find the place of rest and deliverance from what is not real. The Bible says that we are not to fear>(2 Tim. 1:7). The Father has delivered and drawn us out of the control and the dominion of darkness>(Col 1:13). We are to press on, Jesus is calling us upward>(Phil 3:14). Submit to God, resist the devil and he will flee from you>(James 4:7). Don't fling away your fearless confidence...for you have need of patience and endurance so that you may accomplish the will of God>(Heb.10:35-36). I do not cease to give thanks for you who follow Christ...I pray that God would grant you a spirit of wisdom and revelation of insight into mysteries and secrets in the deep and intimate knowledge of Him...that you may know and understand what is the immeasureable and unlimited and surpassing greatness of His power in and for us who believe...>(Eph 1:16-19 Amp. version).
Friday, July 30, 2010
The Plumbline
I wrote a blog similar to this one dealing with the subject of hypocrisy this past year. But God has put this subject on my heart again lately. The Lord actually gave me a word on it at church a few Sundays ago. The word went something like this..."The day of hypocrisy and compromise is over." Our claim to Christianity must be a lifestyle of total committment to the Lordship of Jesus Christ. These days and times are obviously the latter days Christ spoke of. Difficult times bring out what is in our heart. Our life will become more righteous or more wicked (Rev. 22:11-14). There's a line from an old song that says, "Do they have enough evidence to put you away?", speaking of a Christ-like life. Of course none of us are perfect, but a lifestyle of love, repentance, and godliness proves our authenticity. Jesus said that our light should shine like a city on a hill. Have you ever driven at night in the mountains and coming out of a valley you see the lights of a town in the distance. There's no missing the city lights in the midst of the darkness. Are we lit up in the darkness around us? Do we truly love others? Do we have peace, joy, and hope? What is in our heart comes out eventually for all to see. Therefore, our #1 priority should be that our heart is given over to God. This results in a life that will bless and glorify Him. Our heart's desire should be for Him. If you desire authenticity in your Christianity, then sincerely ask God to do what He needs to do to purify you. Brace yourself and get ready to take up your cross daily. The crucified life is the only true life. St. Francis of Assissi made this profound statement, "What a man is before God, that he is and nothing else." This should be our plumbline. A plumbline is a tool used to measure a precise straight line, a standard of what is on the level, what is right. Our heart condition is the evidence of whether or not we are on the level with Christ. The PLUMBLINE is a willing heart to follow the Lord throughout our whole life, allowing Him to call the shots. It is the awareness that we are in dire need of transformation and we are allowing the Lord to purify us, conforming us into the image of His Son (Rom. 8:29-39). My prayer today is for the Lord to be merciful (He is very much so), forgive (as He so wonderfully does), and help us to stay with the PLUMBLINE of His Lordship (He is faithful), enveloped in His love, and enabled by His grace to live for Him all the days and hours of our lives. To Him be the glory, honor, and power for ever and ever.
Wednesday, July 14, 2010
God Longs for Me
My heart's prayer is "Lord, draw me close to You!". His Word promises that if I draw near to Him, He will draw near to me (James 4:8). I hunger and thirst for more of the Lord's presence in my life. Everyday I desperately crave the awareness of God with me. Besides the fact that we all need the blessing of His protection and provision, we need His love. God wants our love. He longs for us to draw near to Him. Jesus spoke of His desire and longing to draw His children like a mother hen draws her chicks under her wings. The problem is that many of His children tend to refuse His calling to intimacy with Him. As a result, the resistant children are left abandoned, desolate, and destitute of God's help>Matt. 23:37-38. I pray that I won't be so taken with the world and life in general, that I neglect the place of closeness that He has for me. Everyday, I will run to get under the wings of my Father. I don't want to refuse His call. Besides the fact that I need His protection and care, I deeply crave the awareness of Him being close to me. This is the deep longing for satisfaction that all people sense. Nothing in this world will fill that space inside. People all over the world are looking for satisfaction. No relationship, no material possession, and no amount of power will fill that longing that was created for God and God alone. Let's run to Him. Let's rest there under His wings and enjoy the peace, security, and satisfaction found only in that secret place, under His covering, with Him.
Monday, July 5, 2010
It Was for Freedom
On this day after July 4th, I am meditating on what it means to be free. We truly are free in this country. Free to worship our God, free to conduct business, free to come and go, etc. How blessed we are! But how many of us are free indeed? As blessed as we are in this country, many Christians remain in jail cells of hell. Many are in illogical and irrational slavery. The internal kind, of course. How many Christians are slaves to their sins (Jn 8:33-34)? Many are in spiritual and emotional chains. (Ex. lust, fear, anxiety, bitterness, greed, gluttony, lying, etc.). Jesus said that He came to make us FREE INDEED (Jn 8:36). It was for FREEDOM that Christ came and set us free. It is up to us to avail ourselves of this freedom and live in it (Gal. 5:1). In John 8:31-32, Jesus said that IF we live by His teachings and Word, then we would know the Truth and the Truth would set us free. So, our first plan of action would be to learn God's Word and make every effort to live it. Pleading ignorance isn't good enough. Secondly, we must admit when we are in bondage. We need to confess our faults to someone and have them pray for us (James 54:16). Thirdly, we must take the promises of God in faith (reliance of our entire being on God), line ourselves up with the conditions, and apply them to our life (Rom 4:21). When we do this, God will be there for us! God's Hebrew names reveal these truths. #1. Jehovah Shammah-means "God is there or present"; #2. Jehovah Shalom-"God is peace"; #3. Jehovah Jireh-"God will provide"; #4. Jehovah M'Kiddesh-"I Am the Lord that sanctifies you", to name a few. He's everything we need! After a war, the occupational troops must go and establish the victory. The enemy soldiers will not necessarily accept their defeat. Now that you have been delivered from the kingdom of darkness, demand your freedom in Christ. Take back what the devil stole from you. Established your victory! It's your right and duty! I am in awe at what Jesus has done for us and how worthy He is to receive our victorious lives as an offering of gratitude and praise! Revelation 1:5-6, "...Jesus Christ the Faithful and trustworthy Witness, the firstborn of the dead, and the Prince of the kings of the earth. To Him Who ever loves us and Who has loosed and freed us once for all from our sins by His own blood, and formed us into a Kingdom (royal race), priests to His God and Father-to Him be the glory, and the power, and the majesty, and the dominion thoughout the ages and forever and ever. AMEN"
Sunday, May 30, 2010
We Have the Power!
Yes!! We have power through Christ Jesus our Lord> Power to overcome the world. Power over evil and the enemy of our soul. Then I ask'"Why do bad things happen to wonderful Christian people?" First of all, there will be problems in life that we won't understand until we see God, and we can ask Him because we can't know all of the thoughts and intentions of people. You'll see in the Bible that faith in God with corresponding action is KEY. There are alot of answers in the Bible that give us insight on how to live victoriously over all of the negative effects of this world. We won't do an exhaustive study on faith now, so let's look at the scriptural power we have as Christians to release protection and blessings from Heaven. First of all we must understand and believe that Jesus came to give us an abundant life>Jn. 10:10. The greek trans. for abundant life is: having the advantage; in the sense of beyond; super abundant in quanity and superior in quality; exceeding beyond what is needed or superfluous. Since that's established, let's look at what has been provided for us through the atoning work of Jesus' death and resurrection. *healing>Acts 4:7-10, 1 Pet 2:24; *experience wonders and miracles>Acts 6:8; *over flow with hope, joy, and peace>Rom 15:13; *recieve all things that are required for life and godliness>2 Pet. 1:3; *be strengthened>Col 1:11; *get deliverance from the kingdom of darkness>Col 1:13; *get what you ask for in prayer>Mk.11:24; *have ALL of your financial needs met>Phil 4:18-19; *take dominion over the kingdom of darkness>Luke 10:19; *live in protection>Duet. 28:6. These blessings, distributed through wisdom, the power of God, and faith in His word, will come upon us as we align ourself with His will and His way of doing things>Deut. 28. Hebrews 10 and 11 covers faith in God and the power available to us when we have faith. Even in death and difficulty, faith produces evidence of God's goodness and His glory for His people. Our responsibility is to develop a hearing ear for the voice of the Lord, yield to the Holy Spirit's leading through obedience to His voice and knowledge of His word (study wisdom in the Proverbs), and then watch God do wonders and miracles in your life. We must remain faithful and patient to see God's will fulfilled in our life>Heb. 6:12. We will then be able to testify of His faithfulness and goodness>Heb. 10:34-39. The Lord promises that He will bless the righteous (justified)>Ps 5:12. He will never forsake the righteous (those in right standing with Him)>Ps 37:25. He will not forsake those who seek Him>Ps 9:10. *We will overcome the world and we are justified by faith>1 Jn 5:4. God is good. God is love. He cares for us and He wishes that we all expeience His goodness and a loving Father would.
Saturday, May 29, 2010
Attacks on every hand!
As we celebrate Memorial Day and remember the military men and women who died for our freedom, I honor them and am truly grateful. Their enemies attacked and for whatever reason, they died, but for a good cause. When I hear of friendly fire, or stupid mistakes made by the soldiers or their leaders, I am sickened to hear of soldier's deaths as a result. Why is it that so many Christians today are being attacked like I've never seen before? Many times I hear of their fall and am sickened. We are in a spiritual war and God promises in His Word that we will ultimately win, but the battle at hand is heated and many Chrisitians are being attacked with sickness, calamity, divorce, and temptation beyond their overcoming. The devil and his cohorts are bringing many down to despair and sometimes death (spiritual and or physical). He works to discredit God's character and the validity of His Word. It's especially hard when it happens to those we know personally. Hope and faith are being attacked. It seems unfair because it happens to really wonderful and amazing people. There may be some of you who disagree with me, but there are reasons why the enemy of our soul has power over Christians although God's word tells us He has no power over us>(My next blog will cover our power in Christ). Here are a few Biblical reasons that reveal HOW the enemy takes every opportunity to bring God's people down: #1. Ignorance-My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge, Hosea 4:6 (*a study on Godly knowledge is highly recommended). For example, I was unpacking a new flag that I bought and I couldn't see how to attach it to the pole. The screws that were needed were transparent and had I not gone back to the instructions, I wouldn't have known that all of the parts were there. The flag kit would have appeared to be missing something, making the statement that all of the parts were included, appear to be untrue. This happens to Christians when they don't know that God has given us everything we need to be blessed and victorious in this life. It's in His word! #2. Imperfect faith-our faith will not be perfect until we are with Him in Heaven. At times we may not have faith for a victory. We must admit this. God's word is perfect. His promises are true. That is why we don't recieve all that He has promised us. His word says that with faith in God, we can receive anything from Him>Jesus said, "do not doubt...have faith...and you will receive..."a doubtful man doesn't receive anything from the Lord (Matt 21:21-22). We must encourage one another to have faith in God! Faith in God comes from intimacy with Him and hearing His voice regarding your battle. #3. Fear-God has not given us a spirit of fear, BUT POWER... When the Holy Spirit comes in us, He brings power. If one doesn't know that they have powerful weapons, they won't be using them in a battle. I've heard how many of our soldiers in Iraq were lacking the weapons they needed to fight with. It was sickening to hear of their demise>Our weapons are powerful, use them! (2 Cor. 10:3-5) #4- Disobedience-(intentional or not) an act of disobedience can get us out of the glory and into the pit! Initially yielding to the Lord's will for our life is key. He is our Commander in Chief. Walking in the Spirit and being sensitive to His leading daily is our insurance. He protects us and leads us into all truth and into victory for His glory! In conclusion, the A. Paul gives us some advice for victory in this battle (1 Tim. 6:1-21 *Please read)>flee pride, lust, greed, conceit, strife, envy, and jealousy. Instead, pursue righteousness, godliness, faith, love, steadfastness, and gentleness of heart. Fight the good fight of faith and lay hold of eternal life. We are victorious through HIM!
Why should I feel discouraged?
"Why should I feel discouraged?" This is a line from an old hymn that I love. Within this song are some keys to beating discouragement. We should apply these keys to our life when needed because discouragement has the power to destroy us! First of all, discouragement can easily lead to depression, which can lead to the lack of faith for a situation, that will put us on the path to hopelessness. I don't naturally get discouraged. I have a type A or an upbeat personality and rarely get down. But I do "get down" occasionally as everyone does. I know alot of people that have to deal with the "blues" quiet often. Sometimes it's physical, hormonal, chemical, demonic. But it is used by the devil, the enemy of our souls, to steal from us our joy, which is our strength>(Neh. 8:10). Without strength we are no longer able to withstand spiritual attacks. Don't you think we ought to put discouragement out of our life? The enemy uses discouragement to diminish our hope. He then goes on to steal our faith, and without faith, we are separated from God and therefore have no hope!>(Gal 2; Heb 10, 11; 1 Jn 5; Rom 4, 5; etc.) At the point of discouragement, we must brace ourselve up for a battle>(1 Pet 1:13). We then need to muster up the strength that we have and proceed to resist the devil>(James 4:7; 1 Pet 5:9). We fight the fight of faith>(1 Tim 6:12). And WE WIN! Here is this song: Verse 1-"Why should I feel discouraged? Why should the shadows come? Why should my heart be lonely? And long for heaven's home. When Jesus is my portion>Heb. trans.-inheritance; belongeth to. My constant friend is He. His eye is on the sparrow and I know He watches me. Vs 2-Let not your heart be troubled. His tender word I hear. And resting on His goodness, I loose my doubts and fears. Tho' by the path He leadeth. But one step I may see. His eye is on the sparrow, and I know He watches me. Vs 3-Whenever I am tempted, Whenever clouds arise. When songs give place to sighing, when hope within me dies. I draw the closer to Him. From care He sets me free. His eye is on the sparrow, and He watches over me." The keys to remember: *Jesus is our portion (Ps 16:;5; 73:26; 119:57) ; *He is a constant friend as we listen to His tender words>(Jn 15:14-15); *Rest on His goodness>( Heb 4); *Draw close to Him>(James 4:8). The Lord expects us to take responsibility for our freedom from discouragement. He has made the way! Praise God for His loving watchful eyes and for all that He has done for us!
Monday, May 24, 2010
I am going to launch out and say something that might be taken offensively by some. I don't want to offend anyone, but the scriptures I'm going to share might offend you! I have noticed a trend lately that grieves me to the core of my heart and I believe grieves God also. It is the fact that so many are calling themselves Christians, and yet don't bear the fruit or the evidence of the Holy Spirit in their life. I'm not talking about a spiritually immature Chrisitian, but about those who are "running" after the things of this world instead of after God. Oh, they may go to church, and sing. They may even lift their hands in praise, and say an amen or two. But the book of Jude says that these people come into the body of Christ and corrupt it. They are deluded and are like clouds without rain, wild waves, hidden reefs, and damned to the gloom of eternal darkness forever. In Matt 16 Jesus warns of the "leaven of the Pharisees">the religious hypocrits of the day. This is the person who appears to be religious and yet their heart is far from God and they do not exhibit godly character. They continually exhibit worldliness and lack of Christian love. They are self-willed and bent on living for this temporal life. Jesus said that in order to be His disciple we must deny ourself, follow Him, and conform wholly to His example in living and also in dying if need be. It really hurts me for these people because they will someday wake up and realize that their life was for naught. It hurts me because I know God loves them so much, and yet they insist on going their own way, down a path of what appears to be spiritually security and yet it is the path to hell. I believe Jesus wants us to always love others, but I challenge you to first evaluate yourself with these things: 1. Do I love God more than anything? 2. Do I desire to do His will above all else? 3. Do I yield to God's love and the fruit of the Holy Spirit or do I preserve myself and not repent to others. 4. Do I murmer and complain or am I grateful and humble? 5. Do I live a "Christ-like life and exhibit a life of holiness? These are some clear ways to determine if we are on the right track. When in a situation where we witness a "cloud without water" or a "wild wave" type of person, here are some pointers on how I believe Jesus wants us to deal with it. 1. Pray for that person. 2. Always be merciful and caring, yet without compromise. 3. Speak the truth in love boldly regarding their sinfulness, as the Lord leads. 4. Don't fellowship with them or spend "quality" time with them because it is better to spend some time with an unbeliever and try to win them to the Lord. Years ago, someone I know and am very close to, was obviously a hypocrit. She was claiming to be saved. She was a Founder's member of the 700 Club (sent $1000.00 a month as an offering to CBN), read and studied the Bible every day and yet was an alcoholic, a bartender, and her boyfriend was married to another woman!! Come on...what's wrong with this picture??? Whenever I got the chance, I challenged her with the gospel truths regarding her lifestyle. She knew that I loved her, and after a year or two, she committed her whole life to the Lord. She really changed. She became totally focused on finding God's plan for her life, and has a ministry today! I know that my constant love with speaking the truth helped her. I would tell her that she can't call herself a Christian and live like she was. By God's grace she finally understood that. She also attributes watching Joyce Meyer and Kenneth Copeland's show helpful too! Thank the Lord for His mercy, love, and preachers!! We need to preach the truth and challenge others to "live up" to the title so that the Word of God is not blasphemed>Titus 2. Thank you for your faithfulness! Thank you for your pure and dedicated life. Stay close to Him, reach out in love, and preach the Word!
Wednesday, May 19, 2010
So That We Can Be Blessed!
I am so thankful that the Word of God gives us specifics re: the blessings alotted to His children. But, they are optional based upon hearing God and prompt obedience. I know that there are alot of Christian people that will disagree with me on that. There is a common misconception that God is Sovereign and what will be, will be. From what I have gathered in exhaustively studying the word of God on the subject of faith and provision, I've found that all of God's blessings hinge upon the choices we make. The reasons why some seemingly wonderful Christians have such a difficult time in life will only be revealed in heaven. It is not for us to judge others, but to love and encourage them because we don't have all of the answers to the "why's" in all of their situations. Nevertheless, we are to judge everything with regards to the Word of God for our own benefit. This is so that we may comprehend and appreciate the gifts bestowed on us by God>so that we can recieve the wisdom of God for our glorification> so that we can experience what eye has not seen, ear has not heard, nor can be imagined. These are the things God has prepared FOR:those who love Him (who hold Him in affectionate reverence, promptly obeying Him and gratefully recognizing the benefits He has bestowed)>and so that we can have the mind of Christ, (That is to think like Him and do things His way>2 Cor. 2:1-17 Amp version). I know some Christians who are in the thick of despair and yet still seem to have joy, the peace of God, and possess their faith. Jesus likes this, but He also requires this for victory! In Luke 18:1-8, He told a parable to the effect that people always ought to pray and not give up. He talked about a widow that kept coming to the judge asking Him to defend her. Jesus said to listen to what the judge said. The judge decided to defend her because she essentially had persistent faith. Jesus then asked if He would find persistent faith like this on the earth when He comes back. This is the most important thing when encountering trials and temptations>keeping the faith. We must also have His peace and joy regardless of our circumstances>2 Thess. 3:16 Amp. ( FYI: I continually stand on the promises of God. I confess and meditate on His promises everyday, off and on all day.) Another misconception is the idea that "salvation is free". The literal Greek translation for "free gift of salvation" in the scriptures is a favor granted in kindness, it is a grant, a pardon that we can accept with terms. Jesus said that we must take up our cross and follow Him to be His disciple>Luke 14:26. Nothing of value is free. Salvation requires agreement to God's offer with faith and obedience. It requires death to self will and a lifetime committment to His plan. Our salvation costs us everything and yet it's invaluable. Life is not perfect in this world and neither will we be, but we can be victorious and glorify God when we experience His goodness and faithfulness. I study the subject of God's blessings profusely! I am fully aware of them and I daily rely on God to make these promises available to me and my family! God wants us to remember His covenant. He wants us to know it and then to keep it>(do a study on the covenant of God that He has with His people). I lived under the pressures and the curses of the devil for too many years. I now rejoice in God's provision for an abundant and blessed life for me, my children, and my children's children (if the Lord tarries!). I fully expect the blessings of God to abound in our family now and in the generations to come for the glory of God! I know that this life will never be perfect, but I am going for the gold! I am hoping to recieve all that the Lord Jesus has done for me through His suffering and death on the cross. Now I can recieve all of the benefits due to a child of the Most High God, and you can too! Hopefully I've inspired you to rise to the next level of knowledge and expectancy re: the rich blessings of our heavenly Father. The key is to be committed to God forever! Then we must endeavor to always have faith and hope. Keep your head up and your eyes on Him. He won't disappoint even though you go through tough times. It will all turn out right>Rom 8:28. I have never seen the righteous forsaken (Ps 37:25). After 30 or so years of relying on Him, I tell you, you can count on Him and I am here to vouch for that! A MUST READ: Hebrews 6:11-20
Wednesday, May 12, 2010
The Garden of Our Mind
I love gardens. I love the beautiful flowers. I love the delicious vegetables. Guess what! I don't love the work it takes to have a wonderful garden, but the payback is huge and well worth the effort. Even as a natural garden is planted and designed for beauty, so our mind, like a garden, was designed for beauty. If we work the fertile ground of our mind God's way, then it will be a beautiful thing, with delectable fruit for all to behold and partake of. Whatever we do with our mind is evident to all>Prov 23:7 "As a man thinks in his heart, so is he." With stress, pressures, and thoughts coming at us in this information age like a machine gun, we need to know that God's way of dealing with it all is our only true consolation. It's awfully weedy out there and those weeds are aggressive and strong! We can take pills (only a temporary fix), cling to a therapist or barrage our family and friends (don't get me wrong, we do need to talk to someone sometimes), but God has given us some keys to success in keeping our mind beautiful. In Ps. 131 we see the exhortation to quiet ourself like a weaned child: "...surely I have calmed and quieted my soul (mind) like a weaned child with his mother, like a weaned child is my soul within me (ceased fretting). In 2 Cor 10:5>We then see the A. Paul saying to take every thought captive to Christ and focus on Him. Phil 4:8-9 says to only allow yourself to think on good things. That's not to stick your head in the sand and deny the occasional ugliness of reality. But, it's to essentially have faith and hope in every situation. Thoughts are tools that we are to submit to the Lordship of Jesus Christ. They are to be used as we so choose for the glory of God. Are our thoughts glorifying God? The thought life is private and hidden from view initially. But, our prominent thoughts will eventually be seen by others. Our thoughts are seeds that become plants. The bad thoughts must be plucked up and rooted out, and the good thoughts must be nurtured and cared for continuously, like in a garden. The fruit from the garden of our mind can be so so, contorted and twisted( I had weird deformed cukes one time...Uck!), wilted, dead, or beautiful to behold. It's a fact, the garden of our mind will bear fruit in our life evidenced by blessing or cursing. In John 14:27, Jesus says not to allow ourselves to be anxious or troubled with cares. In Matt 6:25 (Amp), He says emphatically to stop being uneasy about our life. We've been given a mind, and we've been given the responsibility to care for our mind. As we do, it will serve us well. In Gen. 6:5-6, God said that every imagination and intention of all human thinking was only evil continually, that He was grieved in His heart, and He regretted making man. What do we do with this dilemma? If we go with God's remedy for the evil condition of our heart, we will be pleasing to Him! I want to please Him! God's remedy> #1.) Eph 4:22-24>Forget your former nature and manner of life, corrupted through lusts>put on the new (God's) nature and be constantly renewed in your mind, by the washing of the water of the Word> Eph 5:26 (get brain washed!). #2.) Rom.12:2>Don't conform to the world's social and moral standards, BUT be transformed by the renewing of your mind, THAT you may prove what the perfect will of God is. #3.) 1 Pet. 1:13> Brace up your mind and be sober or discreet and guarded. #4.) James 4:8>Come close to God and let Him purify your mind. I am so very grateful that my Father in Heaven wants me to be His child and wants to help me become more like Him because He is perfect and wonderful! It's my heart's desire to be more like Him everyday! It is His desire to bless us with an abundant life>Jn10:10-11, Jesus said that He came so those who trust in Him will have and enjoy life, and have it in abundance or to the full. He is the good Shepherd. I always thought as I grew up in church that most Christians were miserable and struggling. This passage now makes sense of it all! Trust Him! Love Him! Stick with Him! It will be worth it all!
Saturday, May 1, 2010
God Works in Mysterious Ways
Have you heard this before? God does things in ways we don't understand sometimes. Some of the spiritual principles found in the Word of God can confound and confuse, but God wants us to be familiar with the way He works so that we can conform to His way of doing things and accomplish His will here on earth as it is in Heaven. It's like trying to get a one year old to understand why it's dangerous to play in the road. We just have to accept the fact that Father knows best! That's faith! Mic. 4:2 suggests we go to the house of the Lord so He can teach us His ways because in Hos 14:9 we find that the ways of the Lord are right! And in Is 55:8-9 God says that His ways are not our ways, nor are His thoughts our thoughts, (unless of course, we have the mind of Christ>1 Co. 2:16 Amp. Here are some principles of what has been called "the upside down kingdom" #1. Jesus says to give and then it will be given to you>Luke 6:38 #2.Be a servant and then you will be the greatest!>Matt 23:11. #3. Be humble and then He will exalt you> 1 Pet 5:6 #4. Believe and hope for what you do not see regardless of the circumstances and then you will see what you hope for!>Heb 11:1 #5. Seek God's kingdom, a right standing with Him and His way of doing things first before material things, and then you'll get everything you need.> Matt 6:33 #6.Lose your life for the Gospel's sake and then you will save your life!>Mark 8:35... And that's just to name a few. Rather than clawing your way to the top of the ladder, stressing out, killing yourself (or somebody else,Ha!), God says essentially to not worry, trust and obey, prefer others over yourself, and He will take good care of you! Prov 3:5 exhorts us to trust in and lean on the Lord with all of our heart and not rely upon our own understanding. His Kingdom is an everlasting kingdom! We will live for eternity and the fruit of our faith will be rewarded eternally>Heb 10:35-39. Our faithfulness and obedience will be rewarded in this life too>Matt 10:29-30. This passage is "what I'm talkin' about"-*Rom 11;33-34 "OH THE DEPTH OF THE RICHES AND WISDOM AND KNOWLEDGE OF GOD! HOW UNFATHOMABLE ARE HIS JUDGEMENTS AND UNTRACEABLE HIS MYSTERIOUS WAYS. For who has known the mind of the Lord and who has understood His thoughts, or who has ever been His counselor?...For from Him and through Him and to Him are all things. TO HIM BE GLORY FOREVER! Amen." My prayer: Show me Thy ways O Lord, and teach me Thy paths.
Stumbling Stones
I want to share with you today a great concern that I have in my heart. It is the fact that there are people in this world who make it their mission in life to defile and corrupt others. Jesus addresses this subject in Matthew. He speaks harshly of those who make others stumble and sin. In Matt. 18:1-7, He talks about children in their innocense and how He admires their trust. He also mentions that it is important to care for them. He says that the way we treat them, is how we are treating Him. He takes it personally! In vs 7, He then mentions the fact that it is inevidable for temptations to come in this world, BUT WOE to those people by whom they come. He says that, (vs 6)>It would be better for this person who tempts and corrupts "little ones", to "have a great millstone hung around his neck and be sunk to the bottom of the sea". Wow! Jesus sounded angry! (A righteous anger.) I am reminded of a friend's son who was corrupted by their neighbor. The man would invite the 12 year old over to their garage, give him alcohol to drink, and Lord knows what else, year after year. Now the son is grown and has a very sad life. He has a son out of wedlock, involvement in drugs and heavy drinking, the mother of his child is in prison, and you might can imagine what his life is like. What happened? I know that instead of a godly influence, the "devil in disguise" defiled him, and he then made poor choices because of the evil baggage he carries. It really breaks my heart because he is such a good-looking guy, smart, and from a well-off family. He certainly "had it all" from the world's point of view. BUT, no one took the time to regularly impart God's love and godliness to him like the neighbor who made the concerted effort to impart evil. Could a godly influence have made all the difference. I think so. I saw him recently, before "all hell" broke out in his family. I felt that the Lord wanted me to speak strongly to him to do things God's way and that he would be blessed. As I was speaking to him I wondered if I was getting too strong and personal with him, but I was deeply concerned in my spirit. He agreed with me and yet didn't take the necessary action to follow the Lord. It almost seemed too late. Well, soon there after it was. Major damage came into his life that will never be completely redeemed in this world. I want to strongly exhort all who read this blog to take time to be God's love and hand extended to the young, the innocent, and the babes in Christ. If we are not kind, reaching out and caring, then I believe that we will be held responsible to some degree. Consider the heart of our Shepherd> in Matt. 18:11-14, we see that Jesus came to seek and to save the lost." He says that it is not His will that any would be lost or perish. We prove our love for the Lord by reaching out to others with His heart of love. Kindness and caring go a long, long way in encouraging others to follow Him. Love is more powerful than evil! Love never fails (1 Cor. 13:8). We will never fail as we allow the love of the Lord to flow through our lives. Let that be our mission. This is my prayer: Forgive me Lord where I may have caused someone to stumble in some way. Please help me to love and reach out to others as You want me to. I want to make a difference in someone's life for good! Thank You for Your mercy and for Your grace that enables me to be a blessing to others!
Sunday, April 25, 2010
I have gone on a few trips in the car this past week to Tampa. I was fortunate enough to be able to experience looking for my destinations with a GPS>global positioning system. I don't know how in the world I ever found myself around in a strange town without it before or for that matter, found my way home! I began to think about what a blessing the GPS is! Although at times while I was following the directions the lovely lady on the GPS was giving me, I became panicky! It really didn't make sense to me that I should follow her directions at that point. It looked like to me, and it was a matter of fact, that I was going in the opposite direction of my destination. I hung in there... low and behold...I arrived at my destination! The GPS knew of detours, one way streets and ramps that I did not know of. Immediately the Holy Spirit revealed to me this fact>when God leads us in a certain direction, and it doesn't look like the direction we think is right, we then tend to look at the circumstances and panic. Rather than trusting God's ability and knowledge to get us to where we should go, we are tempted to take matters into our own hands and stop or veer off course. God works in ways that we naturally do not>Is.55:8-9, "My thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are My ways your ways, says the Lord...". Since God loves us, has all knowledge and wisdom, and we have limited knowledge and wisdom, shouldn't we have enough sense to know that we need the HSGPS (Holy Spirit Global Positioning System)? We may not get to our heavenly home without it! And if we do, it may be a laborious and frustrating journey. In my next posting, I will reveal some of the different ways God works. This knowledge encourages us in times of confusion when we need direction and the circumstances don't "line-up". In Haggai 1, the prophet of the Lord was rebuking the people of God for doing things their way rather than His. As the story progressed after evaluating their situation, they repented, followed the Lord's directions, and were encouraged by the prophet with these words>Hag.1:13 "...I am with you says the Lord". Isn't this the most important thing in the world? The Lord's presence and goodness will be with us as we follow Him. In Ex. 33:14-15, the Lord told Moses that His presence would go with him and He would give him rest. Moses then said to the Lord, "If your presence does not go with me, do not carry us up from here." In other words, Moses asked God to not allow them to go ahead without His desired direction. Let this be our prayer and passion>God, keep us with You! Don't allow us to indiscriminately or intentionally live our life without You! You are our everything! Be our Commander, Master, Lord, and God!
Monday, April 19, 2010
Our Only Obligation
Our only obligation is to love. The 1st commandment is to love God-(Matt. 22:37). The 2nd commandment is to love others-(Matt 22:39). Love is the anchor of our soul. The anchor that holds us close to the Lord. It's the plumbline that keeps us lined up with God. Love is the guard that keeps us on the narrow way, the level that keeps us "on the level". Anyway, why is it that so many Christians obviously do not realize this? Why is it that I haven't realized the importance of love as much as I have in the past few years? I didn't focus on love for approximately 30 years of my Christianity. I've focused on different things off and on throughout the years such as ministry, gifts of the Spirit, evangelism, Bible study, etc. None are as vital as love. At times I would remember reading 1 Cor. 13 and casually thinking that I should be more loving. I even would pray at times for God to help me love others more. Well, I now realize that out of my love for God and personally experiencing His love, I am able to truly love others. I want to suggest to you that we are not taught enough to love and submit to the fact that without love in our hearts and life...we are NOTHING or a USELESS NOBODY (1 Cor. 2). These are very strong words. Is all that we do in vain if we are not motivated by the true love of God? Now let's look at Rom 13:10>it says that "love does NO WRONG to others. We are not obligated to like everybody. We are not obligated to live our life for everybody else (only for God). But, if we ever wrong someone or cause harm to them, we are not acting in love. I believe that covers bodily harm, neglect when it is in our power to care for someone truly in need> (ex.-the "good Samaritan"), emotional abuse and insensitivity, not speaking the truth (in LOVE) to someone who really needs to hear it, being gentle, kind and caring, just to cover a few characteristics of love. 1 Cor. 13 is an overview of what God's authentic kind of love looks like. I think we Christians need to meditate on 1 Cor. 13 regularly. We do not naturally walk in love as we ought. In John 15 we find that if we don't abide in the Lord and His love, then (vs 6) we are considered withered, dead, and will be gathered up to be thrown into the fire. (You determine what He means by that!). Thank the Lord, (vs2), He will prune us as needed. Just don't refuse His pruning work. The alternative isn't pretty. That's why I'm soooo glad He loves me, and that He disciplines me. One of my first memory verses was Heb. 12:11, "No discipline for the moment brings joy, but seems grievious and painful; but afterwards it yields a peaceable fruit of righteousness to those who have been trained by it. Vs 8 says that you are a child of God only if you are being disciplined by Him. Welcome His love and discipline. And rejoice in the fact that He loves us enough to change us! Make it your priority to let Him reduce you to love>the only thing that will count!
Sunday, April 18, 2010
The Evil of Dead Works
To continue on the last posting, I want to touch on the subject of how one falls from grace (Gal. 5). It's by seeking justification in religiosity (the Law and dead works) as opposed to the law of the spirit of life in Christ Jesus (which is daily walking in the Spirit, and submitting to God's will>Gal. 3). First of all, I believe that the temptations Christians face today are the same in nature as the temptations all Christians have faced from the beginning of Christendom. But, there is a difference and that is the temptations come in contemporary forms. It's one of the saddest things in the world when a gifted Christian becomes prey to pride, bringing self-deception, and they fall from grace into an irreversible pit of darkness and destruction. One of the pitfalls that I believe take many wonderful men and women of God down from grace is the grasping of a ministry and recongnition. In our world today people idolize movie stars, rock stars, politicians, etc. In the Christian world, we have the same sin of idolatry. Many Christians lust for spiritual positions where people will look up to them and this is creating in many a lust for recognition. If the recognition is not found, this becomes their ambition. If it is found, then the temptation for pride and self-righteousness raises it's ugly head. The evidence is striving and self-promotion. Ps 75:6 says in essence that God promotes and lifts up. We don't always understand why we don't get promoted or honored when others do. One thing I've noticed is that when I think I need to be promoted and am not, and if I can't be honestly happy for the one that has been, then I am committing the sin of jealousy and envy. (James 3:16) This is EVIL! I am not humble and therefore God will resist me>1 Pet. 5:5-6. Jesus said that the greatest in the kingdom of God will be a servant>Matt 18;23. And the wisdom from God that prepares you for promotion is evident by peacefulness, one being courteous, yielding to reason, full of compassion and good fruits, impartial, sincere, agreeable, harmonious with others, undisturbed, free from fear and moral conflicts>James 3:17-18. I challenge you and myself today to hold true to these things: stay humble by always being a servant, check thoughts and motivations. I want God's recognition, even if that means that's all the recoginition I may ever get.
What about the Pigmys in Africa?
This question comes up so often when I am sharing the gospel on college campuses. Faith in Christ Jesus is trusting in, and relying on Jesus alone for salvation>Acts 4:12. In Romans 10 we see clearly and specifically the answers to this dilemma. The A. Paul clearly points out to us in this chapter that, #1. It is necessary for believers to preach the good news of the gospel to all people so that they can (if they choose to) hear, have faith, and get saved>(vs. 5-7, 13-15,17). #2. Because the Jew (and anybody else) who doesn't have their righteousness (the means of salvation) found in God through Christ Jesus, will not be saved>(vs 1-4). #3. And for the ones who have not heard the gospel? Well, according to Ps. 19:1-4 and Rom 10:17-18 (AMP version), all have heard the gospel already through nature>"...Have they not heard? Indeed they have; for the scripture says, Their voice (that of nature bearing God's message) has gone out to all the earth, and their words to the far bounds of the world." So, the preaching of the gospel is just one more effort God uses to reach out in hopes that people will respond to His love and give their heart and life to Him. Even "Christians" in error and with great effort, try to establish their righteousness through their own good works. It won't happen! Rom. 9:31-33 declares that like the Jews, pursuing a right standing with God, without faith in Christ, will make one fall short and not attain salvation. No religion in the world will accomplish the task of providing salvation. It's through a personal relationship with Christ alone. I hope that on the day I stand before the Lord, I will hear Him say, "Enter in thou good and faithful servant!">Matt. 24;25> When we all stand before Him, He will not be tallying our works, but will measure whether we have been good>(Greek-valuable; virtuous), and faithful>(Grk.-trustworthy) servants. This takes relying on a personal relationship with Jesus in which He will provide the knowledge of His will for our lives. We then must be obedient. There will be those who will know God's plan, but will reject it>Rom 10:19-21. God forbid we be unyielding, disobedient, and self-willed (vs21). Please read all of Col.1. > I pray "that you may be filled with the full knowledge of His will...that you may walk in a manner that is worthy of the Lord, fully pleasing Him in all things...bearing good (valuable) fruit in works, steadily growing and increasing in the knowledge of God...giving thanks to the Father, who has qualified us to share in the inheritance of the saints...the riches of the glory of this mystery which is Christ in you, the Hope of glory...Him we preach and proclaim...and for this I labor, striving with all superhuman energy which He so mightily enkindles and works within me."
Monday, April 12, 2010
Stifle the Destroyer and Enable the Power
Every thought that goes through our mind must be scrutinized and dealt with (2 Cor.10:5). Our life depends on it! Most of my Christian life I have been strong in faith and rather postitive about the future, always thinking that in Christ, everything will be wonderful! Well, it's not at times. In this world we will encounter tribulation >Jn 16:33. But, we will be seated with Christ in Heaven IF we overcome in this world>Rev.3:21. Included in our tribulations are hurtful people, disillusionment, and disappointment. But God has made a way for us to walk in love and trust without the worry of being taken advantage of. We are assured of blessing, deliverance, and victory! Fear is not based on fact >God's promises, but on anticipation of an ultimate negative outcome. This perspective is rooted in mistrusting God. On the contrary, faith in God says that He will take care of us. Now watch out! Fearful thoughts tend to proliferate. They reproduce themselves and before long they are invading our lives by stealing our peace. They adversely affect our decisions and esp. our relationship with God and others. 1 Cor.13:7 & 1 Jn.4:18 says, "God's perfect love casts out ALL fear." A spirit of fear isn't of God, BUT He gives us POWER to overcome. He gives us LOVE pervading every area of our lives. And He gives us a SOUND MIND so we won't go insane>(2 Tim. 1:7). I have decided (again for the approx. 100th time) that it is not foolish to trust God! He is well aware of every motive, action, and intention we all have. He is involved in every detail of our lives. (That is IF we want Him to be and IF we obey Him.) It is not stupid to trust God and walk in love. On the contrary, it is wise. Don't be thrown off by disenchantment. Life happens! God is challenging me to live in a deeper level of His love and trust. Therefore I am becoming wiser. Wisdom says to do things God's way and He will care for you. It says relax, don't worry, be happy, God's in control! Wisdom says to go to God, hear from Him, obey Him and He will work it all out for your good and His glory. Rom. 8:27-28 says that the Holy Spirit searches hearts, intercedes for us, and we should be assured that God is working all things together in His plans for good to and for those who love Him and are called according to His design and purpose. When we depend on Him, He always comes through! But, don't forget>LOVE is the enabler. Enable Him to work on your behalf. He will!
Saturday, April 10, 2010
Issues, Issues, Issues
It seems like every time I turn around, I hear about Christians having "issues". In other words, so many Christians I know are having problems and the problems are getting the best of them. They are not overcoming, but succumbing to them and doing things that don't please God or that would make for a better outcome. I was sharing a sad and grievious story with a friend about a family we know who once had major issues (as most of us have). They got saved and seemed to be doing great for years. Sadly to say, the family has fallen apart and are experiencing some terrible and traumatic situations resulting from poor choices. I knew of problems the family had been having all along, but I assumed that they were working through them. Things seemed to continually go down hill these past few years. As I shared the story, I aknowledged the fact that we all have issues! The difference is, those of us who work through our problems with resolve in the power of the Lord, will overcome them and will bring glory to God. I'm sure that there is yet hope for them, but not without devastating consequences. In Rom. 8:24-28 the Apostle Paul speaks of hope. Hope is when you desire to see something happen that hasn't happened yet. He exhorts us to hope in God and to wait for His help with patience and composure (tranquility). That means we don't take matters into our own hands. That means that we cooperate with the Holy Spirit. With His help, we are assured and know that all things work together for good to and for those who love God and are called according to His design and purpose. The problem lies in the heart. We will all encounter trials and tribulations, but how we handle them determines the outcome. 2 Pet.1:1-10 gives us an indepth look into how we can overcome the corruption (ruin; destruction) that is in the world. Please read this passage and meditate on it. Not just for your own sake, but for the sake of others also. This is a treasure chest of God's gold, and it can be yours for the taking!
Saturday, April 3, 2010
God Weeps?
I'm so glad that our heavenly Father loved us so much, He gave His Son to suffer and die for us. I can't imagine how awful it would be to witness the torture and death of your child. Although it happens often in some parts of the world, the fact that the Most High God had to endure this, is beyond belief. But I am so grateful that He did. This past week as I did my study out of the Beth Moore, "Breaking Free" book, I saw in week 3 a verse that I've never noticed before. She asked a question,"What did God say would happen if His people, due to pride, did not listen to Him?" The reference is in Jeremiah 13:17>it says that God will weep in secret for us bitterly, because the Lord's flock is taken captive. Have you ever thought about the fact that God has emotions? His emotions are not always positive or happy! I've never thought about God going off in secret and crying bitter tears. And it is because His beloved, but (sometimes) stupid children, get taken into captivity by obstinance and disobedience. It truly broke my heart to get a glimpse of how our precious and loving Father in Heaven weeps for His children when we don't listen to Him and we get into trouble. I hope and pray that during this Easter season, we His children, will be aware of the fact that Jesus and our Father paid the ultimate price for our freedom from stupidity and the tendency to sin. He has made a way for us to be good children and be able to bless Him! He so wants to bless us and take care of us, but we must be obedient. Let's make Him happy and not sad. Col. 1:22-23 (Amp.) says that the Messiah reconciled us to God through His death, in order to present us holy and faultless and irreproachable in His presence; and this will He do provided we stay with Him and in faith, well-grounded, settled and steadfast in the hope of the gospel. Have a blessed Easter rejoicing in the fact that as we hope in Him and obey Him, we are pleasing to Him and we are making Him happy! He's happy when we are blessed! And we'll be blessed as we obey Him. I love Him so! Please read Eph. 1:16-23. This is my prayer for you!
Sunday, March 28, 2010
Finally Surrender
I do the computer on Friday at Victory Friday Nites (our campus ministry). A worship song being sung was titled "Finally Surrender". As we sang it over and over, I didn't realize that I would be waking up the next morning with it playing over and over in my head. As I began to think about this phrase, the depth and truth of it was revealed to me in a deeper way. I thought that I had surrendered all to the Lord 32 years ago. I guess I did to the best of my knowledge, but I am seeing surrender in a new light contiunually. It is an initial decision, but is also a future, moment by moment choice. It's taking up my cross everyday because I want to be His disciple and because each new day our decision will be challenged. Jesus addresses surrender in this story of the rich young man(Matt. 19:16-30). The man was asking Jesus what deed He must do to inherit eternal life. Jesus answered not with a particular deed, but with a total lifetime committment challenge to follow Him. Jesus said that to "enter into life eternal one must continually keep the Ten Commandments. The man replied that he had kept the 10 from his youth and yet the man acknowledged that he still lacked. I believe Jesus was getting the man to the place where he could see that a "good" life is not enough. Eternal life is becoming His disciple and walking with Him daily. We must be in a perpetual state of FINAL SURRENDER.
Sometimes I find that I am happy with being a "good"person for a period of time. I then notice that I miss the Lord. I miss the evidence of His presence. I love His presence. I love it when He walks with me and talks with me. Surrender makes Him prominent in our life. The "10" naturally happens when we continually walk with Him, but we experience satisfaction and fulfillment that comes with final surrender. In Phil 3:10 A. Paul said, "For this is my determined purpose that I may know Him, that I may become progressively more deeply and intimately acquainted with Him, perceiving and recognizing and understanding the wonders of His person..." On this Palm Sunday, let's follow Him, praising Him and adoring Him. But, let's keep following Him all the way to the cross. This is eternal life, that I may know Him. (1 Jn. 5:11) ...God gave us eternal life, and this life is in His Son. He who possesses the Son has this life..." I want this life forever! How about you?
Sometimes I find that I am happy with being a "good"person for a period of time. I then notice that I miss the Lord. I miss the evidence of His presence. I love His presence. I love it when He walks with me and talks with me. Surrender makes Him prominent in our life. The "10" naturally happens when we continually walk with Him, but we experience satisfaction and fulfillment that comes with final surrender. In Phil 3:10 A. Paul said, "For this is my determined purpose that I may know Him, that I may become progressively more deeply and intimately acquainted with Him, perceiving and recognizing and understanding the wonders of His person..." On this Palm Sunday, let's follow Him, praising Him and adoring Him. But, let's keep following Him all the way to the cross. This is eternal life, that I may know Him. (1 Jn. 5:11) ...God gave us eternal life, and this life is in His Son. He who possesses the Son has this life..." I want this life forever! How about you?
Tuesday, March 23, 2010
The strangest thing happened on the way to the...
I had a strange thing happen to me yesterday. I cut my hand with a tin can lid. As I picked it up off of the counter, I dropped it in the sink, grabbed it, and it sliced my hand. Five stitches later, I thanked the Lord that I didn't have to go to emergency surgery at the hospital. It was a miracle the tendon wasn't cut. Just before that happened, I slipped on some water and fell flat in the pantry. Sounds almost like the Three Stooges! What is happening Lord? As I prayed and searched my heart, the Lord reminded me of my state of mind at that time. I was hurried, frustrated, and complaining in my mind about all the stuff I need to do re: house work, working-out, etc. This is a weakness for me>stress. I am in that state before I know it sometimes. I am being humble and confessing this to you and to the Lord so you can pray for me, I'll be healed, and I can repent (James 5:16). After my vacation, I noticed a temptation to get back into the grind. The Lord showed me this AM, 3-things that I need to remember in order to get the victory. 1.)Humble myself and put Him first each day, all day! (1 Jn 1:7-10 Acknowledge my sin and be cleansed;1 Pet. 5:6-9 Humble myself, cast my care on Him, be well balanced, and withstand the enemy) 2.)Be on guard against temptations and weaknesses. (Eph. 6:10-18 Be strong in the Lord, put on God's armor, resist in the evil day,stand your ground, pray at all times.) 3.)Walk in rest, peace,love, and joy. (Gal 5:22-25 the fruit of the Holy Spirit is love, joy, peace, patience...) In conclusion, I was tempted to worry that I am such an idiot, what's going to happen to me next time? God please help me! I need deliverance! As I sought Him, He led me to these precious promises: A)Ps.138:6-8 The Lord will perfect that which concerns me. Though I walk in the midst of trouble, You will revive me. He respects the lowly. B)In the Psalm of David 141:1-5;8-10 he asks of the Lord, "...Set a guard, OLord, before my mouth...incline my heart not to consent to any evil thing...let the righteous man correct me, it is a kindness>oil so choice let not my head refuse it...in You do I take refuge and trust...keep me from the trap they have laid for me...while I escape." If God did it for K. David, He will care for me in this way.
Monday, March 15, 2010
Oh. How He loves me so!
I was in the Carribean last week with my daughter. When I got back I found that my computor was down. Well, I am now back in the swing of things. God proved to me over and over on our trip how much He loves me and how good He is. Along with the many blessings, His presence was so real and amazing it brings me to tears thinking about it. In church yesterday we sang a song that repeats quiet often, "Oh, how He loves me so...". This song is not a direct worshipful song that I am use to. I normally gravitate to songs that tell God how much I love Him, and this song threw me when I first heard it. The more I thought about it, the more I realized that I haven't even begun to fully grasp God's love for me. I don't think about His love for me as often as I should. I believe we will understand and accept His love for us more as we walk with Him and will continue to do so throughout eternity (Eph. 2,3 please read). I have heard John 3:16 maybe a million times in my life, but I will not even begin to grasp His multi-facetted love for me until I have personally experienced it in my everyday life. When I say multi-facetted I am speaking of all the aspects of His love such as discipline and correction (Heb. 12:6), as well as favor and blessing, and the awareness of His beautiful and strong presence. 1John 4:19 says, "We love Him because He first loved us." This passage reminds me of the fact that He initially reached out to me and I then became His daughter. As a good daughter I don't want to ever take His love for granted. I will be forever grateful to Him and will prove to Him that His love is truly appreciated and received by doing everything I can to dote over Him and be obedient in what He would like for me to do. In Jude 21 we are exhorted to "Guard and keep ourselves in the love of God; expect and patiently wait for the mercy of our Lord Jesus Christ-which will bring you unto life eternal." This verse implies that keeping ourselves in the love of God will assure our eternity with Him. 1 Jn 4:15-16 says God is love and to be in God is to live in His love. What comfort! What joy! As it implied in Eph. 2, we can't earn His love. We get to accept it and enjoy it! Now I pray that (Eph 3:17-21 Amp. PLEASE READ) you may be rooted deep in and founded securely on LOVE. That you may have the power and be strong to apprehend and grasp with all of the saints what is the breadth and length and height and depth of LOVE. That you may know the LOVE of Christ through experience for yourself. Now unto Him be glory forever and ever!
Wednesday, March 3, 2010
Self-preservation vs Self-exaltation (Pt.2)
It's godly when men want to know how to meet the needs of their wife. (and vice versa) This is an indication of a humble heart. Some men "get it", but many don't. It's the other way around too! We don't think alike. We don't have the same perspective on life, therefore we must make every effort to educate ourselves and then serve one another in love. This makes for a balanced and more complete couple (Eph 5:31>2=1). Many marriages end tragically in divorce for these reasons>"I don't love you anymore", or "he doesn't make me happpy", or something along these lines. God doesn't permit divorce and remarriage in this case (1 Cor. 7). The Bible gives clear instructions for marriage success (Eph 5:21-29). (Note: husbands look at your instructions and wives look at yours!) When one is in a situation where their mate doesn't "get it", or their friend, or their relative, etc., then that one can get supplemented in their relationship with God. No one should ever take God's first place filling our needs. No one will ever be able to fully accomplish this task. There are too many scriptures to list re: the fact that God wants to and should meet our every need. Putting God and His ways first sets us up for pleasant surprises along the way, not to mention eternal blessings. I'll call this GODLY SELF-PRESERVATION or GSP. When we look for someone or something to fulfill us rather than God, we are setting ourselves up for a let down. I'll call this FLESHLY SELF-PRESERVATION OR FSP. God wants to be our source (Phil.4:12), He wants us to focus our love on Him (Mk. 12:30), He wants us to serve Him by serving and loving others (Lk 10:27; Gal 5:13 AMP), and in God's love we are secure and satisfied in life and in our relationships (GSP). The reason we "can't get no satisfaction" is because we won't get it. It's our choice. God is there for us in every way we need Him (within the bounds of His Word). GSP says, "I must preserve my hope, joy, strength, and faith to the glory of God and for His purposes". FSP says, "I'm going to lose my mind if I don't..." or "I'm not going to take this!", "I don't deserve this!" Or something like, "I can't, I won't, or I hate...!" Who is the common denominator in this scenario? "I" or "it's all about me". And the attitude smells of flesh (Gal 5:16-17 ). It's human nature to preserve one's self, but we must take on a higher nature as Christians, God's nature. (*2 Peter 1:1-12 Amp). This passage is too long to type here but you must read it. I will bring out some of the highlights. "May grace and peace be multiplied to you...For His divine power has bestowed on us His precious and exceedingly great promises, so that you may escape from the moral decay that is in the world...and become sharers in the divine nature...employ every effort in exercising your faith to develop virtue, knowledge, self-control, steadfastness, godliness, brotherly affection...For IF these qualities are yours and increasingly abound in you, they will keep you...unto the knowledge of Jesus Christ...whoever lacks these qualities is blind...So I intend to remind you of these things, although you know them...". We must constantly remind ourselves of these things. We must encourage one another with these things. *2 Peter 1:11 encourages us with these words,"...Thus there will be richly and abundantly provided for you (who possess these qualities) entry into the eternal kingdom of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ." That's reassuring! We need to humble ourselves and trust that God's way works! We may not know in this lifetime all of the effects our decisions make, but certainly we will in the next. In conclusion, 1 John 3: 22 says, "...we receive from Him whatever we ask, because we obey His orders and (habitually) practice what is pleasing to Him." He loves us so much, and wants to bless us. We must let Him prove Himself to us. As we obey Him, we then see His faithfulness, we will receive a testimony for His glory, and we will overcome this world (Rev. 12:11) . We need to live it like we believe it! If we believe it, live it, then we will see it!
Friday, February 26, 2010
Hot Topic>Self-preservation or Self-exaltation (Part I)
Self-preservation is the state in which a person takes measures to protect themself from harm or damage. In this day and time there seems to be a prevalent sense of self-exaltation being confused with self-preservation. Many times it comes when one is not being recognized or appreciated as they think they should be as opposed to delivering one's self from danger. I believe it started in the 60's with the "women's liberation" movement. For those of you who don't know what I am talking about, I will briefly explain. Women were encouraged to stand up and fight for their rights. (Rights are important.) They were encouraged to be strong. (That's great!) But when women are encouraged to fight for their rights and be strong in a spirit of rebellion, then it's wrong. As a pastor's wife, I have noticed through the years a real need to feel significant. I have also noticed feeling an overwhelming sense of obligation to make a difference in this world for the Lord. How much of this is of God and how much of this is self-acknowledgement? There seems to be a trend among many Chrisitan women these days developing their own ministries regardless of the support and oversight of godly authority. Another problem is the fact that the divorce rate among Christians is astronomical. Women are finding their independence, but how many of these Christian women are in error? When we submit to godly authority, God has an amazing way of honoring us and fulfilling our needs. We all have the need for significance. We all need love and appreciation. As we humble ourselves, God will honor us. After all, God's honor is what we should want above all. In light of Benny Hinn's wife filing for divorce and her ministry coming to light, I thought that this is something I must look at. We cannot set ourself up as judge because we are not. God only knows their personal issues and that is between them and God. I believe we must come to our own conclusion on this subject and to the best of our ability line ourself up with God's view point. In the next few posts, I will cover the Biblical stance on the subjects of divorce, women in ministry and submission. We then can make an assessment for ourselves so we can know what is required of us. We can only know for ourselves regarding the choices we must make in life. I am looking forward to delving into this hot topic! You can e-mail me for comments at redeconna@aol.com
Saturday, February 20, 2010
Boldly draw near to God!
Hebrews 4:16 encourages us to draw near to God's throne of grace, that we may receive mercy from God and find timely help when we need it. This is so encouraging! I tend to try and fix things in my life and the life of others rather than approach God's throne and talk to Him about the situation. He is able, well able to do exceedingly, abundantly, above all that I could ever ask or think!>(Ephesians 3:20). After all, He is a loving, merciful, and caring Father. Why do we feel that we must take the responsibility for so much when He wants us to cast ALL of our care on Him, because He cares for us! >(1 Peter 5:7 AMP-"Casting the whole of your care [all your anxieties, all your worries, all your concerns, once and for all] on Him, for He cares for you affectionately and cares about you watchfully. Psalms 55:22 holds a promise: Cast your burdens on the Lord [releasing the weight of it] AND He will sustain you; He will NEVER allow the consistently righteous to slip, fall, or fail. First of all, we must work on being consistent in our dependence on Him. Second, we must by faith believe that He wants us to cast all our cares on Him. And thirdly, we must trust Him to take the responsibility of our situation. So, run into His welcoming and well able arms. Be bold and He will prove Himself faithful.
Wednesday, February 17, 2010
THE Path of Peace
In the midst of our chaotic and hectic lives, THE peace of God is available. Even we Christians (I'm preaching to myself too!) don't experience His peace like we could and should. This is because we aren't willing to evaluate and adjust our postion in life for going down that path. Yesterday I went to a funeral in Winter Haven. I got lost three times because of different distractions. I had the directions, but I kept missing turns. I eventually made it to my destination, but was a little late and a little frustrated. Rather than focusing on my path, I was entertaining phone calls, and involved in intense (but enjoyable) conversations with my sister who was with me. Well, I got pulled for (unknowingly) speeding. God and the officer was merciful but not the best scenario! In the big picture, life brings distractions and can cause us to veer off the right path causing frustration and a lack of peace. Psalms 91 reveals THE path that will keep us in God's will and thus in the blessed life of peace and lasting joy, bringing us to our destiny in Christ. #1. (Ps 1: 1-2) We must dwell or live in the secret place of the Most High making God our Refuge and fortress >(Heb.-strong place); I must lean on and trust Him (selah or think about that) #2. (Ps 91:14) We must set> (Heb.-apply, consider, look, regard, stay) our love> (Heb.-have a delight, to cling, join, desire) on Him . I don't need or want anymore "drama" in my life than is necessary! Is any necessary? When we are troubled, and we change our positon as necessary, and if we call upon Him, He will forgive, hear our prayer, and will answer us every time!>(Ps. 86:5-7)
Friday, February 12, 2010
Prisoner of Hope
I found this passage in the Bible that really stood out to me. (Zechariah 9:11-12) "Rejoice greatly O daughter of Zion! Shout aloud, O daughter of Jerusalem! Behold your King comes to you...the war chariot, the war horse, and battle bow will be cut off and He (Jesus) shall speak the word and peace shall come to Jerusalem. As for you also, because of and for the sake of the covenant of the Lord with His people, sprinkled with covenant blood, imprisoned people are released out of the waterless pit. Return to the stronghold of security and prosperity YOU PRISONERS OF HOPE. Even today do I declare that I will restore double your former prosperity to you!" Have you been experiencing the onslaught of the enemy lately? Has the war chariot and war horse with the battle bow been in your life lately? I told the Lord the other day that I need a break from troubles. Granted, what I have suffered is mild compared to what I have noticed others are dealing with, but there is a place of peace and prosperity for us. It's BECAUSE we have a blood covenant! Jesus speaks the word and we can breath easy! Iwould much rather be in a stronghold of peace and prosperity as opposed to a waterless pit! I'm hoping in God! I am depending on Him to speak the Word for me! He is faithful and I know that my hope will not be in vain. I now want to receive a double restoration of my former prosperity! (Psalm 40:1-3)>"I waited patiently for the Lord, He heard my cry. He drew me up out of a terrible pit and set my feet on a rock. And He has put a new song in my mouth, a song of praise to our God. Many shall see and worship and put their trust in the Lord." I know that my hope in God, followed by His work in my life, will be seen by many and I will praise and glorify Him again and again!
Saturday, February 6, 2010
No man is an island!
I heard someone say the other day that they don't like church and they don't like church people, but they do love God. Well, I tried to explain that this can't be true! First of all, it is obvious that there are some issues involved with this statement. One, there could be hurts. Second, is that they are unwilling to obey God and only want Him on their terms. Thirdly, maybe they don't understand that the church is God's bride and imperfect as she may be, He loves her, died for her, and rejection of her alienates one from Him. The church is God's family and His means of changing us into the image of His Son, (which is His 0bjective and desire for us>Rom. 8:29; Rom.12). There are tons of scriptures and indepth teachings on this subject but I want to share this one passage with you today:Hebrews 10:23-25 (Amp)>"Let us seize and hold fast and retain without wavering the hope we cherish...let us give continuous care to watching over one another, studying how we may stir one another up to love and helpful deeds, not forsaking to assemble together as is the habit of some, but admonish one another, all the more faithfully as you see the day approaching." The jewels in these verses are as follows: 1.church is vital 2. church members are to love and help one another 3. We are to encourage, admonish, and exhort each other to love and serve God faithfully 4. and...be faithful to be there (unlike some). You need church! Church needs you! I don't want to offend the Lord by despising His bride. Church is His family. Like families in this world, to be a successful blessed family, there needs to be alot of love, forgiveness and hope! Find the church He wants you in and obey Him! (Don't feel obligated to go to a certain church without His guidance and a Biblical format). And when you go to church gatherings, don't just attend, but love and serve. You need to get involved and develop realtionships. You will then be seizing, holding fast, cherishing, and retaining without wavering your hope! Your church family will be better for it! And you will too! And most of all, God will be pleased!
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