Monday, May 24, 2010


I am going to launch out and say something that might be taken offensively by some. I don't want to offend anyone, but the scriptures I'm going to share might offend you! I have noticed a trend lately that grieves me to the core of my heart and I believe grieves God also. It is the fact that so many are calling themselves Christians, and yet don't bear the fruit or the evidence of the Holy Spirit in their life. I'm not talking about a spiritually immature Chrisitian, but about those who are "running" after the things of this world instead of after God. Oh, they may go to church, and sing. They may even lift their hands in praise, and say an amen or two. But the book of Jude says that these people come into the body of Christ and corrupt it. They are deluded and are like clouds without rain, wild waves, hidden reefs, and damned to the gloom of eternal darkness forever. In Matt 16 Jesus warns of the "leaven of the Pharisees">the religious hypocrits of the day. This is the person who appears to be religious and yet their heart is far from God and they do not exhibit godly character. They continually exhibit worldliness and lack of Christian love. They are self-willed and bent on living for this temporal life. Jesus said that in order to be His disciple we must deny ourself, follow Him, and conform wholly to His example in living and also in dying if need be. It really hurts me for these people because they will someday wake up and realize that their life was for naught. It hurts me because I know God loves them so much, and yet they insist on going their own way, down a path of what appears to be spiritually security and yet it is the path to hell. I believe Jesus wants us to always love others, but I challenge you to first evaluate yourself with these things: 1. Do I love God more than anything? 2. Do I desire to do His will above all else? 3. Do I yield to God's love and the fruit of the Holy Spirit or do I preserve myself and not repent to others. 4. Do I murmer and complain or am I grateful and humble? 5. Do I live a "Christ-like life and exhibit a life of holiness? These are some clear ways to determine if we are on the right track. When in a situation where we witness a "cloud without water" or a "wild wave" type of person, here are some pointers on how I believe Jesus wants us to deal with it. 1. Pray for that person. 2. Always be merciful and caring, yet without compromise. 3. Speak the truth in love boldly regarding their sinfulness, as the Lord leads. 4. Don't fellowship with them or spend "quality" time with them because it is better to spend some time with an unbeliever and try to win them to the Lord. Years ago, someone I know and am very close to, was obviously a hypocrit. She was claiming to be saved. She was a Founder's member of the 700 Club (sent $1000.00 a month as an offering to CBN), read and studied the Bible every day and yet was an alcoholic, a bartender, and her boyfriend was married to another woman!! Come on...what's wrong with this picture??? Whenever I got the chance, I challenged her with the gospel truths regarding her lifestyle. She knew that I loved her, and after a year or two, she committed her whole life to the Lord. She really changed. She became totally focused on finding God's plan for her life, and has a ministry today! I know that my constant love with speaking the truth helped her. I would tell her that she can't call herself a Christian and live like she was. By God's grace she finally understood that. She also attributes watching Joyce Meyer and Kenneth Copeland's show helpful too! Thank the Lord for His mercy, love, and preachers!! We need to preach the truth and challenge others to "live up" to the title so that the Word of God is not blasphemed>Titus 2. Thank you for your faithfulness! Thank you for your pure and dedicated life. Stay close to Him, reach out in love, and preach the Word!

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