Tuesday, November 19, 2013


One of my dad's favorite board games is called "AGGRAVATION".  It's fun to play it with him because he gets such a kick out of it.  But in real life, AGGRAVATION IS NO FUN!!  The hustle and bustle at this time of year tends to give me a ton of opportunities to become aggravated. However, I've found that allowing AGGRAVATION to play a part in my life makes me sick and miserable, not to mention adversely affecting those who get in on it. Allowing AGGRAVATION to manifest is like when we throw a stone into a pond and we see the ripple effect. The ripples multiply and spread across the water, seeming to never end.  In this same way,  exposed AGGRAVATION spreads and adversely effects those around us.  You and I have the amazing power to potentially bring another person down or make their day. We should all strive to make life more beautiful by keeping our frustrations to ourselves.  Therefore, I'm making every effort to respond in a better way and not react in AGGRAVATION. Every morning I prepare myself mentally and spiritually by praying and reading my Bible. I've decided to focus on thoughts of nostalgia, hope, love, and gratitude instead of frustration.
     The winding down of 2013 has made me think about how very fast this year has gone by and yet how truly blessed my life has been. As I read the news and hear about all of the horrific situations that so very many people must endure or succumb to,  I feel grateful and yet a tad odd about my little bubble that I've been living in. NOW, there's one thing I do need to clarify here. My world is not perfect, I deal with "issues" too!  But, in comparison to the trials of so many, I am humbled.
     I realize that no one's life will ever be perfect on this earth, yet I believe there are keys to living well.  God loves me and you!  He has a wonderful plan for our life. He has been so very good to me! Yet, I also realize that I'm not so good to myself sometimes.  His goodness + my bad = my bad.  You may have an equation that better illustrates my point.  But the fact of the matter is, my consistent bad trumps my experiencing God's goodness in my life.  The main challenge for me (as for most people), is to Focus on HOPE and  STAY CALM (KEY).  Just about everyday (unless I stay in bed) there are tons of opportunities to FREAK OUT>FALL OUT>QUIT> SCREAM and things like this!  (Yes,  I am TYPE A)  I don't know if it's because when it seems things are running pretty smooth, out of the blue a LITTLE something tries to step into my life and change things up a bit. For me it could be anything from a traffic aggravation, to getting into "the wrong line" at the store, to slipping on a wet floor (from dog pee),  to wondering "what in the world is wrong with him/her? IDIOT!"  Now you know how imperfect I am!  LOL!!  One thing I'm learning at my age is that life goes a whole lot better when I try to be loving, understanding, STAY CALMAND MOVE ON.  I love that popular saying>STAY CALM AND MOVE ON!  It really has made a difference in my life. I've found that BY FOCUSING ON STAYING CALM, I DO MOVE ON and life is much better!!
    I hope you'll get on board with me to spread the good cheer and leave AGGRAVATION where it belongs...in no man's land.  I pray that peace, joy, and gratitude will be our response for this season.  I pray that we'll all take advantage of the Lord's good grace and presence by adapting ourselves to doing life His way
   I'll leave you with these two pieces of great advice.  One from the Apostle Paul (Phillippians 4:6-7), "Do not fret or have any anxiety about anything, but in every circumstance...pray...and God's peace will be yours."  Second,  Jesus said in John 14:1 " (YOU) Do not let YOUR heart be troubled (distressed, agitated).  YOU believe in, adhere to, trust in, and rely on God...".

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